Reactive data binding component with syntax partially compatible with knockoutjs
$ component install karlbohlmark/knockoff
Given a template node:
<form id="my-template-root" action="/action">
<input data-bind="value: firstname">
Bind the (plain javascript) model object to the dom node, with two-way binding
var knockoff = require('knockoff')
var el = document.querySelector('#my-template-root')
model = {
firstname: 'Karl'
knockoff(el, model)
Given a template node:
<div class="container">
<li data-bind="foreach: user in users">
<span data-bind="text:"></span>
Bind the change event emitting model object to the dom node
var knockoff = require('knockoff')
var ObservableCollection = require('observable-collection')
var users = ObservableCollection([{
name: "Regina Spektor"
var el = document.querySelector('.container')
knockoff(el, {
users: users
name: 'Amanda Palmer'
}) // A `li` element is created to reflect the changes in the collection