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React + Redux + TypeScript pattern

This is a pattern for using React with Redux in TypeScript. This includes type-safety for FSA (Flux standard actions) at the action creation and in the reducer.

React Components are wrapped in a Container that connects the Component to Redux. Interfaces are declared for the component's Props in the Container; split into Props and Actions to separate properties and action callbacks.

You can also read the original create-react-app README


The folder / file layout this pattern uses is:

  • src/modules/root/index.ts the root file for the Redux store and root reducer
  • src/modules/<module> app modules, containing components, containers, actions and reducers.
  • src/modules/<module>/components React components
  • src/modules/<module>/containers React component containers
  • src/modules/<module>/actions.ts Redux action creators
  • src/modules/<module>/reducer.ts Redux reducer


Immer / Immutability

Immer provides us with guaranteed immutability without being intrusive like immutablejs.

We combine it with a TypeScript conditional type called DeepReadonly, which makes all of our types readonly at compile-time as well.

You can see Immer at work in the reducers. It not only ensures immutable output, it also simplifies the writing of reducers as we no longer need to use object spreading.


You can run this project by cloning the git repo, then cd into the project folder.

Install the required node modules:

npm install

Then run it using:

npm start


This project was setup using create-react-app. You can setup your own project using the commands below.

We use nvm for managing the versions of node and npm, so that everyone uses the same version.

nvm install 12.16.1
nvm use 12.16.1

Check that you're using the latest version of create-react-app. Consult ([] for the latest version then run npx to check that it's using the latest version. If it's not, try uninstalling any globally installed versions.

npx create-react-app --version

Create the project using create-react-app:

npx create-react-app <project> --use-npm --template typescript
cd <project>

Setup nvm inside the project itself, so all users of the project can type nvm use to get the right node version for the project:

echo 12.16.1 > .nvmrc

Now when we run nvm use inside the project we'll get the right version of node for the project.

It is important that you always run nvm use before you use npm, so that you use the right version of node and npm when installing dependencies and running the project.

If nvm complains about the right version of node not being available, run nvm install.

Install dependencies:

npm install --save redux react-redux typescript-fsa-reducers typescript-fsa immer
npm install --save-dev @types/react-redux

Include the devtools:

npm install --save redux-devtools-extension

Edit package.json and move all of the @types/* packages from dependencies to devDependencies.

Edit tsconfig.json and add to the compilerOptions:

"baseUrl": "src",

This enables us to use imports relative to the root of our source directory, no matter where the file we're authoring is located, e.g. import Example from 'modules/template/containers/Example'.

Copy the template files by copying the modules folder from this repository into your new project:

cp -r ../react-redux-typescript-pattern/src/modules src/

Then look at the src/App.tsx in this pattern to see how to include the example container into your project.


Download and install Visual Studio Code.

There is a good tutorial on using Visual Studio Code with React.


Install the following VSCode extensions:

  • ESLint

Copy the .eslintrc.js and .vscode/settings.json files. These files setup my standard linting rules and enable them in VS Code.

More information about this setup is available from


Create a file .vscode/launch.json with the following contents:

    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
    // For more information, visit:
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "type": "chrome",
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "Launch Chrome against localhost",
            "url": "http://localhost:3000",
            "webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}"

Then after running npm start, close the browser window it creates, then go to the Debug tab in VSCode and click the Play button.

Redux DevTools Extension

Install the Redux DevTools for Chrome, Firefox and others by visiting and following the instructions.


A pattern for using React + Redux + Typescript with FSA






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