A complete report of the implementation of this system is available here : https://github.com/karthxk07/SpeakerRecognition/blob/b00dbcbd3986797517dcd5773d25b91f4e5d841d/Report.pdf
For a local dataset used which contained voice samples from 2 users (with Epoch=25)
- Loss: 0.0443
- Accuracy: 0.9923
- Val_loss: 0.0622
- Val_accuracy: 0.9868
Firstly clone the repo locally using
git clone https://github.com/karthxk07/SpeakerRecognition.git
Then run the setup script
chmod +x ./setup.sh
ensure that inside the audio folder each speaker is denoted with a different folder, which contain the speaker's voice samples.
Otherwise, you can run record.py
to record 10 samples of your voice
python3 record.py
Now, Edit your train.py
according to your dataset
Line 10 -
names = ["..."] //Names of all the speakers in your dataset
Also , edit predict.py
Line 12 -
names = ["..."] //Names of all the speakers in your dataset
Run the train.py file now
python3 train.py
This will give the accuracy and the val_accuracy of the model
After the training is completed, now run predict.py
to indentify any speaker
python3 predict.py