A basic audio player that demonstrates the use of ffmpeg together with AVAudioEngine ... written in Swift.
- Demuxing an audio file into streams - audio and image (cover art).
- Reading packets from an audio stream, and using a codec to decode the packets into PCM samples.
- Extracting metadata (artist/album, cover art, etc).
- Converting between different PCM sample formats (resampling).
- Constructing audio buffers with the PCM samples, and scheduling them for playback.
- Upmixing/downmixing from mono/surround audio to stereo.
- Seeking within a stream - by frame or byte position.
- Building a packet table when no duration or bit rate info is available, to compute duration and enable seeking.
To help anyone who wants to get started with ffmpeg / AVAudioEngine but is having a hard time finding (or making sense of) documentation, tutorials, or concrete implementations out there. Take this project as a starting point or quick start guide, if nothing else.
I myself am still learning audio programming and ffmpeg, so I am simply passing on some of what I have learned.
Tip - To get the most out of this project, I recommend that you follow targodan's tutorial as you play with my demo app.
targodan's ffmpeg decoding guide. Related code sample here. This tutorial is, hands down, the best one out there!
A detailed tutorial on the basics of ffmpeg by leandromoreira.
An outdated but pretty detailed ffmpeg tutorial that others have recommended.
A brief tutorial Ebook on ffmpeg decoding, in PDF format.
rollmind's Swift/ffmpeg demo app (somewhat outdated, but still helpful)
Another Swift player implementation by rollmind
Sunlubo's Swift wrapper for ffmpeg
For a more full-fledged ffmpeg and AVAudioEngine setup, I point you to my other (far bigger) project: Aural Player
A Swift ffmpeg wrapper library (that I'm not sure I understand but it should be mentioned).