Robust people recognition with the combination of face recognition(MTCNN + Arcface), people detection(Yolov3) and kalman filter.
Since traditional face recognition have many questions, i find it would be better, if i cound combine people detection and face recognition. Combining Kalman Filter can make the result much more stable.
1.Download YOLOv3 or tiny_yolov3 weights from YOLO website.
2.Install all requirements using command sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
3.Run command python3 --name ‘your name’ to record face in advance. the code using python3 (This code only use the webcam) There has other version of kalman filter named deep sort, and it performs a little bit better but slower. I also realized this kind of version in ****. To run it, you need to install tensorflow-gpu cause it needs tensorflow.
5.If you want to use realsense camera, run command ** python3**, you can see both RGB and depth image
6.Then you can see the result.
Transfer the recognition result after the confirmation part and cancel the face recognition.
After combining kalman filter people tracking part is robuster than before.
Use Realsense D435 camera as input, so that distance from people to camera can be messured. Output from ""
This repository is based on some reference projects: