Target is to simplify baker setup on tezos by automatizing it. This script is interactive, you'll be prompted.
[x] CPU: Running with at least 2 cores is recommended [x] Memory: Recommended RAM for running a Tezos Node is 8GB [x] Disk: 100 GB SSD (SSD is highly recommended over HDD) [x] Unix debian based distro [x] Ledger Nano S or X
Verify than member of plugdev group can read your ledger with
getfacl /dev/bus/usb/XXX/YYY
if no do :
sudo echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="0660"' > /etc/udev/rules.d/50-myusb.rules
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo service udev restart
and replug your ledger
Tezos wallet is installed on your ledger Tezos baker app is installed on your ledger Tezos baker app is launched on your ledger Tezos baker app watermark see
Script use configuration in script_conf.json
- Create baker user
- Download latest octez binaries
- Setup private tezos node using systemd
- Bootstrap tezos node from snapshot
- Setup baker using systemd
- Setup accuser using systemd
- Prepare ledger wallet to bake
- Subscribe wallet as baker on tezos chain
See script_conf.json.dist
In case of restart, your node gonna bootstrap missed block and you will be ready.
As soon as octez-client bootstrapped
command will return true you'll have to manually relaunch the baking app on your ledger.
After entering your ping and open the tezos baker app run
octez-client -d /home/$baker_user/$baker_home setup ledger to bake for $ledger_pk_name
where baker_user
and ledger_pk_name
are defined in your script_conf.json