LPZW.modules TRAM8 Repository for Firmware Hacking
Convert the compiled hex file to SysEx with the Script in "HEX_2_SYX Formating".
python .\hex_2_syx.py "Tram8.hex"
You'll need intelhex extension for python (..> pip3 intelhex)
8 Gates of the same MIDI Channel + Velocity of those notes or 8 fixed CCs of same channel
V1.3 was necessary for the slight change on the learn button in HW1.5 - there is bodge fix (adding a pull down) not in the schematics
Gate Outputs: 1: Run signal - goes high with start low with stop 2: clock 24ppqn 3: clock 4ppqn aka 16th triggers. 4: 8th note trigger 5: clock 1ppqn aka quarter note triggers 6: half note shifted by a quarter (simple snare position) 7: beginning of bar pulse 8: 16th divided by 3 clock
Velocity/CV Outputs: 1: random triggered each 16th 2: random triggered each 16th 3: brownian random triggered each 16th (drunken walk) 4: random triggered each quarter 5: random triggered each quarter 6: brownian random triggered each quarter (drunken walk) 7: random triggered each bar 8: 16th stepped ramp to go from 0-5V in a bar