This is a docker image build for the remote Hive Metastore to customize the image for our purposes. In particular it installs a postgres driver and splits up the service opts env var.
- Haven't looked into authentication to the metastore.
- W/O auth anyone with access to the port could delete all the metadata.
- That being said, anyone reading data needs read privs, anyone uploading data needs write to a DB. Not sure how HMS privs work - is is an all or nothing type of thing?
- It appears that Spark doesn't support 4.0.0 yet (?)
Requires python 3.11.
$ docker-compose up -d --build
$ pipenv install
$ pipenv shell
$ ipython
Python 3.11.3 (main, Apr 5 2023, 14:14:40) [GCC 7.5.0]
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IPython 8.25.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
In [1]: from hive_metastore_client import HiveMetastoreClient
In [2]: from import DatabaseBuilder
In [3]: with HiveMetastoreClient("localhost", 9083) as hmc:
...: hmc.create_database(DatabaseBuilder(name="whoo").build())
In [4]: with HiveMetastoreClient("localhost", 9083) as hmc:
...: res = hmc.get_all_databases()
In [5]: res
Out[5]: ['default', 'whoo']