Camunda JSON Forms Plugin
Provides client-side and server-side integration for using Camunda Embedded Forms with JSON Forms using JSON Forms Vuetify renderers.
- Install Java 1.8 or later
- Install Maven 3.6
- Clone this repository
git clone
mvn clean install
cd demo
mvn spring-boot:run
cd plugin-ui
rm -f package-lock.json
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app node:14.21.3 sh -c "npm install && npm run init"
Note: The docker image is based on camumda-bpm-platform and will not include the demo project, instead the camunda-invoice application that is shipped with camunda-bpm-platform will be modified using the files under camunda-invoice. You can check the JSON Forms schema, uischema, i18n JSON files that are used for camunda-invoice demo under that folder.
Also if you get in the camunda cockpit the following error "The context path is either empty or not defined." while opening the task form then shutdown the server and start it again. It looks like there is an issue with camunda when the BPMN is deployed for the first time.
- With Camunda Platform 7.20.0
git clone
docker build -f Dockerfile -t camunda-bpm-platform:7.20.0-jsonforms .
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 camunda-bpm-platform:7.20.0-jsonforms
Open http://localhost:8080/camunda
- With Camunda Platform 7.20.0 and Minimal "history plugins" for Camunda Cockpit plugin clone of Minimal "history plugins" for Camunda Cockpit plugin
git clone
docker build -f Dockerfile-history -t camunda-bpm-platform:7.20.0-jsonforms-history .
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 camunda-bpm-platform:7.20.0-jsonforms-history
Open http://localhost:8080/camunda
The Camunda JSONForms Plugin project is built and tested via Github actions on Linux.