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A Wildlife Rescue database-site. (Python, JavaScript, Flask, MongoDB, Cloudinary API, Google Places API)

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Wildlife Rescue Dublin

This is a Data Centric web app for a fictional wildlife animal rescue charity.

These wildlife charities care for animals, who have been involved in accidents or become ill. Sometimes members of the public find these animals and become their carers.

One part of taking care of the animals is completing paperwork as the animal's care may require licensing. This app aims to make the process easier. Members of the public can register incident cases, and the charity or Governing body can then follow up.

wildlife rescue page preview image

Table of contents



This is a fictional charity page, so there are no limitations on the content. The site will be first made to an MVP, and if there is additional time, content/features can be added.

User Stories

Visitor goals
  1. As a user of this database, I want to be able to register myself a login easily.

  2. As a user of this database, I want to be able to easily capture information on any mobile device.

  3. As a user of this database, I want to edit the case records I submitted.

  4. As a user of this database, I want to be able to delete any information I created.

  5. As a user of this database, I want to be able to search and filter results easily.

  6. As a user of this database, I want to be able to edit my contact details.

  7. As a user of this database, I want to be able to upload an image as part of my case.

  8. As a user of this database, I want some of the form fields to autocomplete or auto-suggests while I type.

Owner goals
  1. As an owner of this database site, I want each case incident to have a unique case number.

  2. As an owner of this database site, I want to be able to have a user with superuser read/write access, this user can have read/write access to all records.

  3. As an owner of this database site, I want to be able to search and filter results easily.


This Data-centric site is put together with HTML, using the bootstrap framework along with some CSS.

The Database is integrated using Python and Flask fronted onto a MongoDB backend.


The page content is dynamic and composed of Jinja templates which are put together using Python Flask, JavaScript DOM methods are also used to make pages versatile.

Website page line up / Flask templates

  • Home / Index

  • Login / Logout

  • Register new user

  • Profile / My details / Edit my Contact details

  • All Cases / My Cases / Search screen / pending cases filter / open Cases filter.

  • New Case

  • View / Edit / Delete Case

Non relational Database tables schema

DB schema chart

The above diagram is just a visual guide of the database. The tables do not have forced relationships, as MongoDB is a non-relational database. But some values in the cases table can be linked to other tables which are used for dropdown lists on the cases input form.

I should mention the user is allowed to input species or reasons that do not appear on lists. The Location field has Google places autocomplete, but the user is allowed to populate the field with other values if they want. Other fields are locked into the list values in the associated tables. But can be over-ridden by the MongoDB administrator in the background if needed.

cases table
_ID: (auto-generated by MongoDB) ObjectId PRIMARY KEY (Not changeable)
case_number: (auto-generated and used as a reference for the case) STRING (INDEXED FIELD) (Not changeable) Value taken from casenumbers table sequence_value
created_by: (username from logged-in session) STRING
date: date
Status: STRING
image_url: STRING
criminal: (yes/No)
Note and comments: ARRAY of ObjectId (linked to notes table _id field )
user details table
_ID (auto-generated by MongoDB) ObjectId PRIMARY KEY (Not changeable)
full-name: STRING
username:  STRING (Not changeable)
password: STRING (Not changeable)
notes table
_ID (auto-generated by MongoDB) ObjectId PRIMARY KEY (Not changeable)
case_id: ObjectId INDEXED (linked to cases table _id field )
date_time : datetimestamp
note: STRING
reason table
_ID (auto-generated by MongoDB) ObjectId PRIMARY KEY (Not changeable)
reason: STRING
species table
_ID (auto-generated by MongoDB) ObjectId PRIMARY KEY (Not changeable)
species: STRING
status table
_ID (auto-generated by MongoDB) ObjectId PRIMARY KEY (Not changeable)
status: STRING
casenumbers table
_ID (auto-generated by MongoDB) ObjectId PRIMARY KEY (Not changeable)
sequence_value: INTEGER


wireframe 1 homepage wireframe 2 all cases view wireframe 3 case view



Colours referance

Colour are natural and sourced from a nature photo.

  • #FFFFFD Black White - taken from the colour of the feathers of a Grey Heron bird
  • #ADCE4B Turmeric - taken from Green river reeds on the River Liffey
  • #6C6666 Dove Gray - taken from the colour of the feathers of a Grey Heron bird
  • #FEE579 Kournikova - taken from the colour of the beak of a Grey Heron bird
  • #829B38 Sushi - a shade variation of Tumeric

Colour swatches


Bootstrap is used for icons


images are sourced from here and here


The font used is Rubik from Google fonts.

font sample

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Existing Features

  • Pagination on cases results in page.
  • Autocomplete on species and reason fields in the new case and edit case screen.
  • Google places Autocomplete API integration on the case location field
  • Security checks are made in the page routing code to ensure the visitor is logged in, preventing brute force attacks.
  • Filtered views on cases results in cases such as my cases, pending cases and all open cases.
  • Visitor can register, login and update their contact details
  • Visitor has full CRUD access to each case they create.
  • Unique case number is generated for each case
  • Cloudinary image upload API integration case image field
  • Each case has a notes journal, so case notes history can be audited.

Features Left to Implement

  • Change password functionality
  • Portal to edit user access
  • Firebase Authentication API

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Technologies Used



  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Python
  • JavaScript

Libraries and Frameworks


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I tested the site as I went along, manually testing or using automated online testing tools. I focused on getting the site working on a small mobile phone screen first (iPhone 5 simulation on the Chrome Developer tools), and then subsequently all other screen sizes. Printing values to the terminal was used a lot when working with Python. Consoling to log when working with JavaScript.

Performance Testing

Page 1 - Home page

page 1

Page 2 - Case List Page

page 2

Page 3 - New Case Page

page 3

Page 4 - View/Edit Case Page

page 4

Page 5 - Profile Page

page 5

Page 6 - Login Page

page 6

Page 7 - Register Page

page 7

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Bugs encountered on the way

Depreciated code warnings

While I was developing this web app. I was seeing DeprecationWarning messages coming up in the terminal log. These warnings were coming up for commands such as count and update. So all MongoDB commands you see in my app now are using the correct and current PyMongo syntax.

Example warning message:

DeprecationWarning: update is deprecated. Use replace_one, update_one or 
update_many instead. mongo.db.cases.update({"_id": ObjectId(case_id)}, { "$set": submit})

Google Places API warning

For a while during development I had an error message appearing occasionally in the console log for google places API, I thought it was some little glitch that wasn't important. But while refactoring the JavaScript to combine them in one script (if possible!), I realised I had the google API scripts loading backwards. I also had to abandon combining the scripts as they need to be loaded in a sequence that I can only achieve from the page load.

Favicon handling in Python Flask

Favicons were causing errors with flask in the early stages, but I eventually got them working for all devices by experimenting with the format I think Flask expected it to be.

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Known issues

Pagination links section orientation problem

For Pagination, I am using flask-paginate. At the time this project was being developed, this module didn't appear to support Bootstrap5. So I have had to configure it to Bootstrap4. I use CSS to hide a "Current Page" label section that was showing unexpectedly in the pagination links section which appears at the bottom of the cases page. A Bootstrap offset container is also used as I was unable to centre align the pagination links otherwise. On mobile devices, the pagination links are still a bit unbalanced.

Linting False warning messages that can be ignored

When Linting the Python code on PyLint a warning message appears stating "Possible unbalanced tuple". I believe this can be safely ignored, it's been discussed on the Slack Channels as being a standard message for Flask Pagination.

pylint error message

For HTML linting, "Doctype must be declared first" can be ignored as the files are template blocks that join together with other blocks which have the Doctype info.

HTML error message

On the view case page, the warning below believes that there is a duplicate #id tag on the page, but only one #id tag shows on the rendered page as the image is displayed dynamically based on an If / ELSE statement in the Python / Jinja template code block.

HTML error message

For the Google places API script, an "unused variable" linting error comes up for initAutocomplete. But the function is called by the other Google places script embedded on the page.

Case number versus Case _id

It might be worth flagging that case number and case id are two separate fields, which could get mixed up when being talked about in conversation with others, as they do have a one to one relationship. The difference is Case number is visible to the user and is in a human-friendly format. It also is searchable for the user. case _id is unknown to the user, but the developer needs to use it when working with case and notes creation, editing and deletion.

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Project barriers and solutions

MongoDB versus PyMongo

When trying to make the case number increment based on code I read in the MongoDB manual, I couldn't get it working in my Python code. Googling the answer wasn't always leading me to the bottom of the problem, as I didn't realise PyMongo has a different syntax than MongoDB. But then i read this article. Hereby learning that PyMongo is slightly different from MongoDB!. So after this, I was back and forth between the two documentation sites, any useful MongoDB commands I needed to use I had to translate to PyMongo.

Version control

For version control, I used the UI on VS Code for making git commits or the GitHub desktop app, Merging was done on the GitHub site. I used branches when I was working on new features or bundles of changes.

Functionality Testing

Page 1 - Home page

  • Page is responsive to screen size
  • If you type an invalid webpage address, a 404 error page shows up.
  • The main section paragraph and navbar is dynamic based on if a user is logged in or not.

Page 2 - Case List Page

  • Page is responsive to screen size
  • User must be logged in to view this page, if not logged in they are redirected to the login screen.
  • when a list of cases is greater than 10 cases the pagination links appear at the bottom

Page 3 - New Case Page

  • User must be logged in to view this page, if not logged in they are redirected to the login screen.
  • The Date field only accepts dates less than or equal to today's date. This field is mandatory.
  • Species field autocomplete suggests species to the user, values not appearing on the list is allowed. This field is mandatory.
  • The location field autocomplete pulls info from google places, values not appearing on the list is allowed. This field is mandatory.
  • Reason for rescue field autocomplete suggests reasons to the user, values not appearing on the list is allowed. This field is mandatory.
  • Image upload works, and the uploaded image appears after uploading. This is an optional field.
  • Any notes can be entered. This is an optional field.
  • When a case is saved the case number is displayed on the flash message at the top of the screen.
  • By default, all new cases are given a status of Pending.

Page 4 - View/Edit Case Page

  • User must be logged in to view this page, if not logged in they are redirected to the login screen.
  • This page is read-only by default. If the current user logged in is the case creator or the Admin user then the "Edit this case" button is visible.
  • When the edit the case button is clicked all the fields are enabled and the page heading changes.
  • The status field can only be changed to another value on the dropdown list.
  • If an image is uploaded then a thumbnail appears, when clicked on the image appear enlarged on a new tab.
  • A new note can be saved in the notes section, it is added to the list of notes below with a datetimestamp.
  • if the user deletes a case, then a modal shows asking the user if they are sure they want to delete the case.
  • A Confirmation flash message appears when the user saves changes or deletes a case.

Page 5 - Profile Page

  • User must be logged in to view this page, if not logged in they are redirected to the login screen.
  • This page is read-only by default. When the user clicks on the edit your contact details button, the fields are enabled.
  • User can update contact details as expected.
  • A Confirmation Flash message is appearing when changes are saved.

Page 6 - Login Page

  • User can log in as expected.
  • Flash message appears to confirm the user is logged in.
  • Navbar is updated with new items.
  • user is redirected to the profile page.

Page 7 - Register Page

  • User can register as expected.
  • Username, password and Full name are mandatory fields.
  • User is blocked from entering a username that is already registered.
  • Passwords less than 8 characters are not accepted.
  • A Confirmation Flash message is appearing when registration is successful.

Page 8 - 404 error Page

  • When the user enters a random URL then a page not found message appears on the screen.
  • The link is guiding the user back to the homepage.

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Responsiveness Testing

For this test, I got a list of 15 most common screen sizes and used to check responsiveness for each screen size.

The results are below. 15 Passes.

Device category Model Size Px (%popularity) Result
Desktop/Laptop NA 1366x768 (22.98%) Pass
Desktop/Laptop NA 1920x1080 (20.7%) Pass
Desktop/Laptop NA 1536x864 (7.92%) Pass
Desktop/Laptop NA 1440x900 (7.23%) Pass
Desktop/Laptop NA 1280x720 (4.46%) Pass
Mobile Phone Samsung Galaxy Note 4 360x640 (18.7%) Pass
Mobile Phone Apple iPhone 6 375x667 (7.34%) Pass
Mobile Phone Apple iPhone XR 414x896 (6.76%) Pass
Mobile Phone Samsung Galaxy S8 360x780 (5.31%) Pass
Mobile Phone Apple iPhone X 375x812 (5.01%) Pass
Tablet Apple iPad 768x1024 (51.43%) Pass
Tablet unknown 1280x800 (7.28%) Pass
Tablet Samsung Galaxy Tab 800x1280 (5.26%) Pass
Tablet Google Nexus 7 601x962 (4.32%) Pass
Tablet unknown 962x601 (2.99%) Pass

CSS3 validator

No errors. Resource:

CSS3 validation

HTML5 validator

No errors for the pages listed below. Resource:

Page 1 - Home page

Home page

Page 2 - Case List Page

Cases list page

Page 3 - New Case Page

New case page

Page 4 - View/Edit Case Page

View Edit case page

Page 5 - Profile Page

Profile page

Page 6 - Login Page

Login page

Page 7 - Register Page

Register page

Page 8 - 404 error Page

404 error page

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Python validator

No issues. Results below. Resource:

pep8 validation results

JavaScript validator

No issues. Results below. Resource:


There is only one function in this file.

It takes one argument.

This function contains 4 statements.

Cyclomatic complexity number for this function is 3.


There are 2 functions in this file.

Function with the largest signature take 0 arguments, while the median is 0.

Largest function has 7 statements in it, while the median is 4.5.

The most complex function has a cyclomatic complexity value of 1 while the median is 1.


There are 2 functions in this file.

Function with the largest signature take 2 arguments, while the median is 1.

Largest function has 3 statements in it, while the median is 2.

The most complex function has a cyclomatic complexity value of 4 while the median is 2.5.


PLEASE NOTE: initAutocomplete is used in another google places script that's embedded on the same pages this script appears.

There are 2 functions in this file.

Function with the largest signature take 0 arguments, while the median is 0.

Largest function has 3 statements in it, while the median is 2.5.

The most complex function has a cyclomatic complexity value of 2 while the median is 1.5.

One unused variable
3 initAutocomplete


There are 2 functions in this file.

Function with the largest signature take 0 arguments, while the median is 0.

Largest function has 3 statements in it, while the median is 2.5.

The most complex function has a cyclomatic complexity value of 1 while the median is 1.

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Usability Testing

I shared the project on the peer-review channel on slack, and also with friends/family.

I tested and improved accessibility with lighthouse and Firefox developer tools.

Any issues found were resolved.

Compatibility Testing

Screen size\Browser Chrome Firefox Edge
Android Mobile phone (Screen width 412px) xs Pass Pass Pass
Android Tablet (Screen width 600px) sm Pass Pass Pass
Windows laptop (Screen width 2560px) Pass Pass Pass

Testing User Stories

Visitor Stories

  1. As a user of this database, I want to be able to register myself a login easily.

    user story 1

    To register a login all the visitor has to do is complete a simple form above.

  2. As a user of this database, I want to be able to easily capture information on any mobile device.

    user story 2

    Thanks to the Bootstrap framework this web app is fully responsive to screen size.

  3. As a user of this database, I want to edit the case records I submitted.

    user story 3

    When viewing a case that is already created by the user, an edit button will be visible, which lets them make and save changes

  4. As a user of this database, I want to be able to delete any information I created.

    user story 4

    When viewing a case already created by the user, the delete button is available to access, a confirmation message appears to prevent accidental deletions.

  5. As a user of this database, I want to be able to search and filter results easily.

    user story 5

    A search box and dropdown menu of filters are located on the cases screen. User can any search query for cases by case no, created by username, Location, reason or species.

    The filters are My cases = all cases created by logged in user.

    All pending cases = all cases that have a status of pending (these are new cases).

    All open cases = all cases that don't have a status of closed.

    All cases = all cases.

  6. As a user of this database, I want to be able to edit my contact details.

    user story 6

    There is a form located on the profile page where the user can update their contact details

  7. As a user of this database, I want to be able to upload an image as part of my case.

    user story 7

    With the Cloudinary API, the user can upload a picture from their device.

  8. As a user of this database, I want some of the form fields to autocomplete or auto-suggests while I type.

    user story 8

    Several fields have autocompleted prompts that show up while typing. Fields such as species, location and reasons.

Owner Stories

  1. As an owner of this database site, I want each case incident to have a unique case number.

    owner user story

    A unique case number is created for each new case, the sequence value is stored in MongoDB and is incremented each time it's accessed.

  2. As an owner of this database site, I want to be able to have a user with superuser read/write access, this user can have read/write access to all records.

    owner user story

    The username [email protected] has superuser access and can edit/delete any case.

  3. As an owner of this database site, I want to be able to search and filter results easily.

    owner user story

    A search box and dropdown menu of filters are located on the cases screen.

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For easy deployment on, you will need a GitHub user account and possibly a Gitpod user account. If you wish to make changes to this repository, please follow the GitHub steps first.

Please note This project contains several restricted APIs that will not work outside of this project without you refactoring in your own keys. Please check the current documentation for each API listed below.


GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It's free to enrol for a user account and I would recommend you have one if you wish to deploy this repository and make changes.

When you have a GitHub account you can simply click on the Fork button on the top right corner. This will clone the Wildlife-Rescue repository for your GitHub account, then you can make any changes you like.


The site can be edited easily on a Gitpod online workspace, you first register a free user account on, then download the Gitpod extension on your preferred internet browser. On signing up you will be expected to have a GitHub user account.

Once you have the extension on your browser, a green Gitpod button will appear beside this repository in GitHub. For best results fork the repository in your account before you open it in Gitpod.


Heroku is a cloud platform that can hosts dynamic web applications. Once you have the completed site in your repository, you can deploy it to Heroku by the following steps.

  1. Before you set up Heroku, you first need to create some files that are necessary for it to run on the Heroku server.

  2. Open a terminal window in your IDE on the root folder of the project, run the command below, this will create a new file called procfile.

    echo web: python > Procfile

  3. Now run the command line below. this will create a new file called requirements.txt

    pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt

  4. Create a Heroku user account

  5. Click on the New button and choose to create a new app.

  6. Input an app name and choose a region that is closest to you.

  7. To input the necessary environmental variables, simply go to the Settings tab, and under Config Vars, Click on Reveal Config Vars

  8. Now you can deploy, the simplest way is to deploy from github, Click on the Deploy tab, Under Deployment method click on Github. A search window will prompt you to connect to the appropriate repository. You can then choose to do a manual or automatic deployment.

Local Deployment

If you prefer working on the repository locally on your preferred Desktop IDE, you can clone the repository to your desktop by the following steps.

  1. Go to the wildlife-rescue github page.
  2. Above the list of files, click on the code button.
  3. To clone the repository using HTTPS, under "Clone with HTTPS", click the paste icon. To clone the repository using an SSH key, click Use SSH, then click the paste icon. To clone a repository using GitHub CLI, click Use GitHub CLI, then click the paste icon.
  4. Open your preferred Terminal interface.
  5. Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory.
  6. Type git clone, then paste the URL you copied earlier above.
  7. Press Enter to create your local clone.
  8. To run the locally you will need to have a MongoDB account, with the supporting variables inputted in the file, you may also need to install the packages listed Python app file.

more detailed instructions available here

Contribution and Forking

You may wish to contribute to this website and have your contribution published, if so, you are welcome to follow these steps below.

  1. Go to the GitHub website and log in.
  2. Open
  3. In the top right-hand corner you will see a fork button, click on this Fork button.
  4. This will create a copy of the Wildlife-Rescue repository in your Github account.
  5. Run the project locally and make your required changes.
  6. You can push these changes to your repository.
  7. Once you're finished making changes you can locate the New Pull Request button just above the file listing in the original repository (
  8. Your pull request will be reviewed and if approved, it will be merged into the main version of the Wildlife-rescue repository at a future date.

more detailed instructions available here

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  • Images on front page are sourced from here and here

  • Images that appear in cases are my own or are taken from google image searches.


  • I received inspiration for this project from Feargal Timon at the wildlife incidents app and Galway swan rescue.
  • Kudos to Ed Bradly for his excellent advice and tips on the #data-centric-dev Slack channel and on the recorded zoom call from March.
  • My Mentor Maranatha Ilesanmi for helpful guidance and laser-sharp attention to detail.
  • Code Institute's Tim Nelson gave me some useful pointers with this project.

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A Wildlife Rescue database-site. (Python, JavaScript, Flask, MongoDB, Cloudinary API, Google Places API)







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