This repo aims to provide useful live annotatation during a table tennis game through a website.
To fulfil with aim, this repo intends to create two models. One to detect the position of the ball using object detection and the other to detect various objects in the scene using instance segmentation. The instance segmentation model should detect the players, the table, and the scoreboard.
To accomplish the goal of having this functionality available through a website, this repo contains the code for a Flask server and uses ncnn through webassembly for the client-side ball detection model inference.
The data used was from Specifically, the training data consisted of games 1 through 3 and the testing data consisted of games 1 through 3. The data and annotations were processed into the YOLOv5 format for the ball detection model and the vgg annotation format for the instance segmentation model.
Ball Detection Model Processed Data - Instance Segmentation Model Processed Data -
For the ball detection model, I chose to use YOLOv5 for its high accuracy and speed. The YOLOv5 model uses the YOLOv5m6 configuration and it was trained on the above mentioned processed data.
For the instance segmentation model, I used the PyTorch Detectron2 Mask-RCNN model.
To run the server, install Poetry (Poetry's version needs to be >=1.2, so you may have to download a pre-release version) and Node.js.
Then, install the needed plugins and Python dependencies with the commands:
poetry self add 'poethepoet[poetry_plugin]'
poetry install
Install the Node dependencies with the command:
npm install
To build the wasm binaries, emscripten is required.
To install emscripten, run the following commands:
git clone
cd emsdk
./emsdk install latest
./emsdk activate latest
To reactivate emscripten, run the following command:
source emsdk/
Then download the ncnn webassembly package and extract it in the root folder of this repository.
To build the wasm_binaries, run:
poetry poe build_wasm
Then run:
poetry poe watch
And run the below command in a different terminal:
poetry poe server