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PyPrnt helps you to print a list (sequence container) or a dictionary (mapping object) in an organized table form.
Just try it out!
Don't use print() anymore. Use prnt() for the rest of your life :)

How to install

# If you have both Python 2 and 3,
pip3 install pyprnt
# If you only have Python 3,
pip install pyprnt

How to use

from pyprnt import prnt

creation = ["Adam", "Eve"]
menu = {
    "Kimchi": 5000,
    "Ice Cream": 100
prnt(creation) # Magic!
prnt(menu) # Magic!
prnt("Eat apple.") # Magic ignored for types other than list & dict

You should see this...

['Adam', 'Eve']
│1│Eve │
{'Kimchi': 5000, 'Ice Cream': 100}
│Kimchi   │5000│
│Ice Cream│100 │
Eat apple.

Wanna see more?
Check out the content of a block with ease.

block = {'index':1,'transaction':[{"sender":"Block_Reward","receipient":"30819f300d06092a864886f70d010101050003818d0030818902818100b9cadf2ca51ca6714cf645f015652a80b9b8fc7e1aafc888334ac6f4f7dc177465595ef713765b027ab97ca7929820d1afb54b64a03cb971f0f46582d5266568f78746d30c4a651b0a0cf14dacdd619f034b330f4c14f253c72496778ff921a1b907aa0e6201369bffb2bd2e0a059d034e711ef004a3100a8998c2786349579f0203010001","value":"5.0"},{"sender":"30819f300d06092a864886f70d010101050003818d0030818902818100b9cadf2ca51ca6714cf645f015652a80b9b8fc7e1aafc888334ac6f4f7dc177465595ef713765b027ab97ca7929820d1afb54b64a03cb971f0f46582d5266568f78746d30c4a651b0a0cf14dacdd619f034b330f4c14f253c72496778ff921a1b907aa0e6201369bffb2bd2e0a059d034e711ef004a3100a8998c2786349579f0203010001","receipient":"30819f300d06092a864886f70d010101050003818d0030818902818100ab65b338fc66d9fc4870b7319f3c21aaf5a0082bce02caf9e3de6dc159c9df91477786028e7380be451d2fb94ed83070e85b588b4ed9d540461d3256bd2aafd3ae0fefa92f82799064414d0ed9e667bc18ad0f48505a2ae9b790a4363fcbef4b526453f91e9572835feabb25aebe2ff38c9abff32b6140c39cb71f8cf0491b850203010001","value":5.0,"signature":"a3da555fe4afe5fc957d466161dbae8b7fbb02c22780cae6fd5a4bbdc3ad7b8753361f74948db662086209c4272ebdadf5b7a14216c18be7f1c3b86ddb3aa43267792f3edc99cc7294fa89bc95f90cfb0ecd2df73b0dde8520499836f86b57af79d837b3c3dc806a37d067ca4a55caee7883bec035fed0b2df40c910cdde99a2"}],'timestamp':'09/23/2019,16:08:19','previous_hash':'This_Is_Genesis_Block','hash':'00e63fb0a8474d78df37e0ba99816d526ba110fc16098ecae65358890975a645','nonce':222}

# print(block) - don't use this!
prnt(block, truncate=True) # Magic!
│index        │1                                 │
│transaction  │┌─┬──────────────────────────────┐│
│             ││0│┌──────────┬─────────────────┐││
│             ││ ││sender    │Block_Reward     │││
│             ││ ││receipient│30819f300d0609...│││
│             ││ ││value     │5.0              │││
│             ││ │└──────────┴─────────────────┘││
│             ││1│┌──────────┬─────────────────┐││
│             ││ ││sender    │30819f300d0609...│││
│             ││ ││receipient│30819f300d0609...│││
│             ││ ││value     │5.0              │││
│             ││ ││signature │a3da555fe4afe5...│││
│             ││ │└──────────┴─────────────────┘││
│             │└─┴──────────────────────────────┘│
│timestamp    │09/23/2019,16:08:19               │
│previous_hash│This_Is_Genesis_Block             │
│hash         │00e63fb0a8474d78df37e0ba99816d5...│
│nonce        │222                               │

Isn't this amazing? Learn how to use this with a few more options


prnt(obj, enable=True, both=False, truncate=False, depth=-1, output=False, width=get_terminal_size(), sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=False)

enable: bool (default: True)

Enable prnt() form.

prnt(creation, enable=False)
['Adam', 'Eve']

both: bool (default: False)

Print in both original print() form and prnt() form.

prnt(creation, both=True)
['Adam', 'Eve']
│1│Eve │

truncate: bool (default: False)

Truncate output values if they exceed the maximum width of Terminal.
The maximum width of Terminal is 50 in this example.

# truncate = False
prnt(["abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 12345678910])
# truncate = True
prnt(["abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 12345678910], truncate=True)
│ │uvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmn│
│ │opqrstuvwxyz                                  │
│1│12345678910                                   │
│1│12345678910                                   │

depth: int (default: -1 no limit)

Set the depth of recursive prnt().
Depth should be either -1 or bigger than 0.
The contents beyond the depth will be printed as string.

prnt(block, depth=2)
│index        │1                                 │
│transaction  │┌─┬──────────────────────────────┐│
│             ││0│{'sender': 'Block_Reward', ...││
│             ││1│{'sender': '30819f300d06092...││
│             │└─┴──────────────────────────────┘│
│timestamp    │09/23/2019,16:08:19               │
│previous_hash│This_Is_Genesis_Block             │
│hash         │00e63fb0a8474d78df37e0ba99816d5...│
│nonce        │222                               │

width: int (default: current Terminal width or 50)

Set the maximum width of Terminal.
Width should be bigger than 20.

prnt(["Kevin Kim is a developer."], width=20)
│0│Kevin Kim is a d│
│ │eveloper.       │

output: bool (default: False)

Get a return string for the printed content from prnt().
prnt() will not print anything.

output_data = prnt(creation, output=True)
'┌─┬────┐\n│0│Adam│\n│1│Eve │\n└─┴────┘'
│1│Eve │

sep: str (default: ' ')

Default print() parameter.
Put a separator between each input.

prnt("010", "8282", "8282", sep="-")

end: str (default: '\n')

Default print() parameter.
Put at the end of an output.

prnt(creation, end="")
prnt("The force is with me")
│1│Eve │
└─┴────┘The force is with me

file: object with a write method (default: sys.stdout)

Default print() parameter.

flush: bool (default: False)

Default print() parameter.
Specify if the output is flushed (True) or buffered (False).


If the length of label part (index for list, key for dict) goes beyond the half size of your width,
the label will be truncated to the half size of your width in order to secure enough space for displaying values.

For example,

disease = {
    "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis": "an invented long word said to mean a lung disease caused by inhaling very fine ash and sand dust."
│pneumonoultramicrosco...│an invented long word s│
│                        │aid to mean a lung dise│
│                        │ase caused by inhaling │
│                        │very fine ash and sand │
│                        │dust.                  │


Copyright (c) 2019 Kevin Kim
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