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XWiki Helm Chart

This is the keyport tech adaption of xwiki-helm. Main change includes for direct volume mount of wiki-data storage

This is the XWiki Helm Chart aiming to ease the deployment in both Local and Highly Available setups.

Version: 0.2.0 Type: application AppVersion: 12.9.0

Helm chart for xwiki.



This is the keyport tech adaption of xwiki-helm. Main change includes for direct volume mount of wiki-data storage


Repository Name Version mysql 1.6.9 postgresql 8.6.4
  • A kubernetes cluster ( most recent release recommended)
  • Helm 3 client
  • Please ensure that nodepools have enough resources to run both a web application and database
  • An external database if not using the in pod database

Installing the Chart

This chart is published in keyporttech/charts. To install the chart, first add the keyporttech helm repo:

helm repo add keyporttech

Then to install with the release name xwiki in the namespace xwiki with the customized values in custom_values.yaml run:

$ helm install -- values custom_values.yaml --name xwiki --namespace xwiki keyporttech/xwiki

or locally:

$ helm install --name xwiki --namespace  xwiki.

Tip: You can use the default values.yaml

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment:

$ helm uninstall my-release -n my-namespace

All resources associated with the last release of the chart as well as its release history will be deleted.

Ingress And External Host/Ports

To expose the web application this chart will generate an ingress using the ingress controller of choice if specified. If an ingress is enabled services.http.externalHost must be specified. To expose SSH services it relies on either a LoadBalancer or NodePort.


Refer to values.yaml for the full run-down on defaults.

The following table lists the configurable parameters of this chart and their default values.


Key Type Default Description
externalDB.database string "" string ""
externalDB.password string ""
externalDB.user string "" string "xwiki" image name
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" image name
image.tag string "12.9.0-postgres-tomcat" image tag
ingress.annotations object {"":"nginx"} ingress annotations
ingress.enabled bool false enable the ingress string "my-host" ingress host name
ingress.tls list [{"hosts":["myhost"],"secretName":"wiki-tls"}] tls config for ingress
istio.enabled bool false string "*"
mysql.enabled bool false Whether to deploy a mysql server. Set false for a different database.
mysql.imageTag float 5.7
mysql.mysqlDatabase string "xwiki"
mysql.mysqlPassword string "xwiki"
mysql.mysqlRootPassword string "xwiki"
mysql.mysqlUser string "xwiki"
podDisruptionBudget.enabled bool false
podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable int 1
postgresql.enabled bool true Whether to deploy a postgresql server. Set false for a different database.
postgresql.image.tag string "11.3.0-debian-9-r38"
postgresql.persistence.enabled bool false
postgresql.postgresqlDatabase string "xwiki"
postgresql.postgresqlPassword string "xwiki"
postgresql.postgresqlUsername string "xwiki"
replicaCount int 1
resources.limits.cpu string "350m"
resources.limits.memory string "1000Mi"
resources.requests.cpu string "150m" xwiki container cpu request
resources.requests.memory string "250Mi" xwiki container memory request
service.externalPort int 80 external port name
service.internalPort int 8080 string "http" service name
service.portName string "node" name of the port
service.type string "ClusterIP" service type
solr object {"enabled":false,"host":"localhost","port":8983} To use external solr enable solr, provide host and port
storageType string "emptyDir" type of storage for the volume: pvc, emptyDir or directVolume

Source Code


Name Email Url
John Felten [email protected]
John Felten [email protected]


Please see keyporttech charts contribution guidelines


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