- 👋 Hi, I’m @keyuyuan
- 👀 I’m interested in backend and full-stack development, focusing on OpenSearch and Web3 DApps.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning more about decentralized technologies and advancing my expertise in Java, Python, and JavaScript.
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on innovative projects in areas like OpenSearch optimizations and decentralized application development.
- 📫 How to reach me: Email me at [email protected].
- 😄 Pronouns: [He/Him/His]
- ⚡ Fun fact: Polish my competitive coding skill in Leetcode, track me here: https://leetcode.com/u/ykysoffers/
- Languages: Java ☕, Python 🐍, C/C++ 💻, JavaScript ⚙️, Go 🐭
- Java Technologies: Spring Boot 🍃, Spring Cloud ☁️, Hibernate 🐘, JPA, Maven 🧰, Gradle 🛠️, JUnit 🧪, Dropwizard 🛠️, Dubbo 🕸️, MyBatis 🐍, Nginx 🚀, Spark ⚡, Hadoop 🌐, Flume 💧, Sqoop 🔗
- Python Frameworks: Django 🏗️, Flask 🍶, Pandas 🐼, NumPy 🔢, scikit-learn 📈, Scrapy 🕷️, Djongo 🐍, PyTorch 🔥, TensorFlow 🧠
- JavaScript Libraries & Frameworks: React ⚛️, Node.js 🟩, Express.js 🚂, Angular 🔺, Vue.js 🖼️, D3.js 📊, echarts.js 📈
- Big Data Technologies: Spark ⚡, Hadoop 🌐, Flume 💧, Sqoop 🔗
- Blockchain Technologies: Ethereum 💎, Solidity 🔗, Smart Contracts 📜, Web3.js 🕸️, Truffle, Hardhat 🛠️
- Databases: MongoDB 🍃, PostgreSQL 🐘, MySQL 🔢, Redis 🔄
- Messaging & Streaming: Kafka 🐳, RabbitMQ 🐇
- Search Engines: OpenSearch 🔍, Elasticsearch 🔎
- DevOps & Cloud: Docker 🐳, Kubernetes ⚓, AWS ☁️, Azure ☁️, Google Cloud Platform ☁️, Oracle Cloud Infra ☁️, Terraform 🛠️, OCI SDK 📦, OCI CLI 🖥️
- Monitoring & Logging: Grafana 📊, Prometheus 📈, Datadog 🐶
- Others: Git 🔧, Jenkins 🛠️, JIRA 📊, Selenium 🤖