This repository contains the Assignment code of Data Structures and Algorithms Assignments of SPPU, Second Year IT Syllabus (2019 pattern)
Assignment1 | Searching and Sorting Consider a student database of SEIT class. Database contains different fields of every student like Roll No, Name and SGPA a) Design a roll call list, arrange list of students according to roll numbers in ascending order (Use Bubble Sort) b) Arrange list of students alphabetically. (Use Insertion sort) c) Arrange list of students to find out first ten toppers from a class. (Use Quick sort) d) Search students according to SGPA. If more than one student having same SGPA, then print list of all students having same SGPA. e) Search a particular student according to name using binary search without recursion. |
Assignment2 | Stack Implement stack as an abstract data type using singly linked list and use this ADT for conversion of infix expression to postfix, prefix and evaluation of postfix and prefix expression. |
Assignment3 | Circular Queue Implement Circular Queue using Array. Perform following operations on it. a) Insertion (Enqueue) b) Deletion (Dequeue) c) Display |
Assignment4 | Expression Tree Construct an Expression Tree from postfix and prefix expression. Perform recursive and non recursive In-order, pre-order and post-order traversals |
Assignment5 | Binary Search Tree Implement binary search tree and perform following operations: a) Insert (Handle insertion of duplicate entry) b) Delete c) Search d) Display tree (Traversal) e) Display - Depth of tree f) Display - Mirror image g) Create a copy h) Display all parent nodes with their child nodes i) Display leaf nodes j) Display tree level wise |
Assignment6 | Threaded Binary Tree Implement In-order Threaded Binary Tree and traverse it in In-order and Pre-order. |
Assignment7 | Graph: Minimum Spanning Tree Represent a graph of your college campus using adjacency list adjacency matrix. Nodes should represent the various departments institutes and links should represent the distance between them. Find minimum spanning tree a) Using Kruskal’s algorithm. b) Using Prim’s algorithm. |
Assignment8 | Graph: Shortest Path Algorithm Represent a graph of city using adjacency matrix adjacency list. Nodes should represent the various landmarks and links should represent the distance between them. Find the shortest path using Dijkstra's algorithm from single source to all destination |
Assignment9 | 9. Heap Sort Implement Heap sort to sort given set of values using max or min heap. |
Assignment10 | 10. FILE Handling Department maintains student’s database. The file contains roll number, name, division and address. Write a program to create a sequential file to store and maintain student data. It should allow the user to add, delete information of student. Display information of particular student. If record of student does not exist an appropriate message is displayed. If student record is found it should display the student details |