With advancement in technology every sector is progressing but one of the sectors that are lacking behind is the Agriculture sector. Farmers usually face a lot of problems from the time of sowing the seeds to the time produce reaches the end customer.Some of the problems faced are knowledge of Temperature and Humidity,According to soil conditions which are best crop to grow,If in case any plant got effected by some disease then knowledge of which disease and what is the solution for the same and last but not the least awareness about government schemes related to farmers and after doing all this thing the profit earned by farmers are quite less because they have predefined vendors who buy the product at very low price and since farmer has to run his livelihood he makes this deal and faces loss. So in order to tackle this problem we are developing a solution which will entail solution to all above mentioned problems and besides this we will also be developing a B2B market place which will give a global selling exposure to farmers and help them increasing their profit.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development .
npm , python
open terminal and type
git clone https://github.com/khanjasir90/Team_UNS_26_V3NOM.git
cd backend
npm i
cd frontend
npm i
open terminal and type (To run Frontend server)
cd frontend
npm start
open terminal and type (To run Backend server)
cd backend
npm start
open terminal and type (To run Backend server Flask Server)
cd flask-server
Create the virtual environment using the following command
python -m venv "path to virtual environment"
cd "path to virtual environment"
cd Scripts
set FLASK_APP=main.py
set FLASK_ENV=dev
Mohd Jasir Khan
Mohammed Moazzam Khan
Arun Jangra
Bhanu Arora