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Releases: khoih-prog/WiFiManager_Portenta_H7_Lite

v1.6.0 to use WiFiMulti_Generic library to connect to the best of multi-WiFi APs, with auto-checking / auto-reconnecting features when WiFi connection is lost

28 Apr 00:44
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Release v1.6.0

  1. Use WiFiMulti_Generic library to connect to the best of multi-WiFi APs, with auto-checking / auto-reconnecting features when WiFi connection is lost
  2. Rewrite for new mbed_portenta core v3.0.1+
  3. Add lib_ldf_mode = chain+ in platformio.ini
  4. Update Packages' Patches

v1.5.0 to provide workaround for core WiFi.status() bug, to fix the blocking issue in loop() and to add configurable `WIFI_RECON_INTERVAL`

08 Jan 05:15
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Release v1.5.0

  1. Workaround for core WiFi.status() bug, which does not detect WiFi lost.
  2. Fix the blocking issue in loop(). Check retries block the main loop #18
  3. Configurable WIFI_RECON_INTERVAL. Check retries block the main loop #18
  4. Update Packages' Patches

v1.4.1 to update `platform.ini` and `library.json`

13 Oct 04:18
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Release v1.4.1

  1. Update platform.ini and library.json to use original khoih-prog instead of khoih.prog after PIO fix
  2. Update Packages' Patches

v1.4.0 to support Portenta_H7 boards, using ArduinoCore-mbed mbed_portenta core

14 Sep 23:43
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Initial Release v1.4.0

  1. Add support to Portenta_H7 boards, using ArduinoCore-mbed mbed_portenta core
  2. Update Packages' Patches
  3. Add LibraryPatches for Adafruit_MQTT_Library to fix compiler error for Portenta_H7 and many other boards.
  4. Bump version to v1.4.0 to sync with WiFiManager_Generic_Lite library