Please read README.txt in each directory to find the instruction to run the source code. Below is the brief description of each directory:
- Download datasets in JSON format. (Shell script)
- Compute the similarity between schemata. (Python)
- (Figure 8) Generate matrix heatmap using schema similarity scores. (Java Script)
- Retrieve metadata including tags, schema, description using Socrata APIs. (Python)
- (Figure 5) Generate tag cloud using tags associated with the dataset. (R)
- Require result from metadata
- Detect attribute type (Python)
- (Figure 9) Generate a barchart of data type ratio across cities. (Python)
- Read result from type_detection and extract all lat/lon, zipcode values. (Python)
- Require result from type_detection
- Convert lat/long to zipcode. (C++)
- (Figure 12) Generate a heat map of geographical coverage based on zip code values in NYC and Chicago. (Python)
- Require result from extract_zipcode_latlon and latlon_to_zipcode