Minimal wrapper around the Nextbike API to enable listing of all places (e.g. bike racks) and their available bike counts.
Looking for more info on bike sharing APIs in general? Check here → ubahnverleih/WoBike.
There are somewhat offical api documentations from Nextbike which can be found here and here
Nextbike is available through Carthage/Punic and Swift Package Manager, whatever floats your boat.
// Carthage
github "kiliankoe/Nextbike"
// Swift Package Manager
.package(url: "", from: "current version")
Load all bikes current available in Dresden (id: 685) and print the count at the place "Bf. Dresden-Neustadt".
Nextbike.load(cityWithID: 2) { result in
guard let countries = try? result.get() else { return }
let dresden = countries[0].cities[0]
let bhfNeustadt = dresden.places.first { $ == "MOBIpunkt Bahnhof Neustadt" }!
Nextbike.findNearby(location: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 51.06298, longitude: 13.74609)) { result in
guard let places = try? result.get() else { return }
print(places.first?.name) // "Albertplatz"
print(places.first?.bikeCount) // 1
There's a lot more info in the Nextbike API response. Would be great to pull that into the model types here as well. The info currently available is all I needed for integration into another app, so that's why it's so limited, sorry 🙈
- Extend current "nextbike-live" model types
- Flexzone info
- Proximity search ✅
- App functionality
- Login
- User Details
- Notifications
- Active Bookings
- Open Rentals
- Rental History
- Bike rentals
- Bike returns
- Find Station
- Bike List at Station
- Bikes available to book
- Single bike state
- other meta info