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KevinSnyderCodes edited this page Jun 21, 2018 · 1 revision

This project offers a number of TypeScript classes that you can use to interact with Killer Queen's socket messages.


The KQStream class is an EventEmitter that processes socket messages from a Killer Queen cabinet. You can set up a callback method for each type of supported event. These callback methods receive objects that contain event data in a deserialized format.


new KQStream(options?: KQStreamOptions)

Creates a new KQStream object with the specified options:

  • options.log: a stream.Writable object where all messages from the cabinet, appended with a timestamp, will be written

All options properties are optional.

async KQStream#connect(host: string)

Connect to the specified host and processes messages. host should usually follow the format: ws://[HOST_IP]:12749.

KQStream#read(data: string)

Reads and processes messages from the data string, simulating messages from a real Killer Queen cabinet.

data must be the contents of a CSV file with the following format:

  • First value: timestamp in milliseconds
  • Second value: message from the cabinet (not wrapped in quotes)

The first message in the data string is processed immediately, and processing of subsequent messages is delayed according to each message's timestamp. For this reason, the messages in the CSV file must be ordered chronologically, from least recent to most recent.

Example contents of data parameter:


KQStream#on('playerKill', callback)

Set the callback for playerKill events. callback should accept a single parameter of type PlayerKill.

KQStream#on('playernames', callback)

Set the callback for playernames events. callback should accept a single parameter of type PlayerNames.


Simple killfeed:

import { KQStream, PlayerKill, Character } from '../src/KQStream';

const characterNames = {
    [Character.GoldQueen]: 'Gold Queen',
    [Character.BlueQueen]: 'Blue Queen',
    [Character.GoldStripes]: 'Gold Stripes',
    [Character.BlueStripes]: 'Blue Stripes',
    [Character.GoldAbs]: 'Gold Abs',
    [Character.BlueAbs]: 'Blue Abs',
    [Character.GoldSkulls]: 'Gold Skull',
    [Character.BlueSkulls]: 'Blue Skull',
    [Character.GoldChecks]: 'Gold Checks',
    [Character.BlueChecks]: 'Blue Checks'

const stream = new KQStream();
stream.on('playerKill', (event: PlayerKill) => {
    const victor = characterNames[];
    const vainquished = characterNames[event.killed];
    console.log(`${victor} killed ${vainquished} at ${event.pos.x},${event.pos.y}`);

Logging all cabinet messages to a file:

import * as fs from 'fs';
import { KQStream } from '../src/KQStream';

const stream = new KQStream({
    log: fs.createWriteStream('log.txt')

See the example folder for more usage examples.