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killua-eu edited this page Nov 9, 2014 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Mage wiki! There's no wiki here, just my notes --

  • Bootstrapping:
    • Profiles define package sets and configuration
    • Detecting box hardware tweaks the profiles
    • Installs the base system, configure and install the kernel, tweak /etc and boot into running system
  • Management: local/remote installing and configuring, updating and removing packages, managing roles, incremental backups, etc.

conf-update: keeping track of CONFIG_PROTECT files never touched by user by a) keeping checksums of revisions in a manifest b) inotify rules over CONFIG_PROTECT dirs conf-update handles a) files not edited by users b) files changed by mage during installation [i.e. using sed to change IP= to IP=] c) files edited by users

if b) is done via /etc/portage/bashrc post_src_install() { mage-patch "${D}" # this line's wrong, just giving the general idea # needs to look into portage bashrc hooks and variables }

then, if mage wishes to perform changes, in the bashrc hook it would apply own patches, replace strings or replace whole files.

then b=c from conf-updates point of view. if that cant be done this way then:

balicek instaluji poprve

  1. emerge balicek
  2. portage nainstaluje /etc/balicek.conf
  3. mage schova nekam co nainstaloval portage, pak to v /etc sed-ne configurak nebo ten portageovskej nahradi vlastnim. hotovo.

balicek reinstaluji nebo updatuji

  1. emerge balicek
  2. portage nainstaluje /etc/._cfg0000_balicek.conf
  3. mage porovna /etc/._cfg0000_balicek.conf s /var/mage/schovavacka/balicek.conf (diff). pak se pokusi tento diff aplikovat na /etc/balicek.conf [tim se osetri napr. to ze se treba zmeni komentare nebo se prida do konfiguraku nejaka drobnost], pokud to nejde, nahodi interakci
  4. hotovo. !! bod 3 hrozi ze se prida neco co se nema (upstream zmeni default config)
  • inotify hlidac po uzivatelske zmene bude mit zazalohovany original i uzivatelem upravenou verzi. kdyz pak prijde nova verze z portage, pak by mage umel udelat diff z originalu a uzivatelsky upravene verze a tento diff by se pokusil aplikovat na novou upstream verzi.
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