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title: "Install Kimai on a Synology NAS"
navigation: Synology NAS
description: "How to install Kimai on a Synology NAS with DSM 6"

This HowTo does not explain every step for the installation of Kimai on a Synology NAS with **DSM 6**,
but rather concentrates on the differences from the [default installation]({% link _documentation/ %}).

## Important to know

You need to prefix all PHP related commands with `php81`, for example:
php81 composer.phar install {{ site.kimai_v2_composer_flags }}

Or run a console command:
php81 bin/console kimai:version

The webserver user is called `http` and not `www-data`.

The database connection uses a socket instead of a port.

After creating the VirtualHost the DSM changes file ownership, so you might be forced to use `sudo` or switch to the root account for multiple commands.

## Installation process

Clone Kimai as described in the main [installation]({% link _documentation/ %}) docs.
If no git is installed, you can use the method described under the "updates" section.

This example uses the path `/volume1/web/kimai2`

Then [download and install composer]( Now install all dependencies:
php81 composer.phar install {{ site.kimai_v2_composer_flags }}

### Create a database

Use phpMyAdmin or the console (if you are familiar with it) to create a new database and database user.

Do not add special characters to the password that needs to be url encoded, rather use a longer password.
Synology seems to have strict password rules, use the minus `-` if you are forced to use a special character,
otherwise stick with lower and uppercase character and numbers.

### .env file and database connection

Synology ships a MariaDB which is configured to use a socket connection and runs on a different port,
therefore the connection string in your `.env` file could look different from the one used in the
default [installation]({% link _documentation/ %}) docs:


BTW: You find the MariaDB executable at `/volume1/@appstore/MariaDB10/usr/local/mariadb10/bin`.

After editing the `.env` file, install Kimai:

php81 bin/console kimai:install -n

### Webserver (nginx) configuration

Start by opening the `Web Station`:

{% include docs-image.html src="/images/documentation/synology-1.webp" title="Main Menu > Web Station" width="600px" %}

Check that you have a PHP 8.1 profile:

{% include docs-image.html src="/images/documentation/synology-2.webp" title="Main Menu > Web Station > PHP Settings" width="800px" %}

And then creating a VirtualHost (we use a port based in this example):

{% include docs-image.html src="/images/documentation/synology-3.webp" title="Main Menu > Web Station > Virtual Host" width="800px" %}

Settings chosen in the example:

- Port: `7777` with `HTTPS`
- Document root: `/volume1/web/kimai/public`
- HTTP backend server: `nginx`
- PHP backend: `PHP 8.1`

Now switch to the console and find the directory where the config needs to be stored.

Either use `ls -la /etc/nginx/conf.d/` and check which subdirectories exist or better:
have a look at the file `/etc/nginx/app.d/server.webstation-vhost.conf` where all virtual hosts are listed.

Watch out for the line that starts with `include`:

server {
listen 7777 ssl default_server;
listen [::]:7777 ssl default_server;
server_name _;
root "/volume1/web/kimai/public";
include /usr/local/etc/nginx/conf.d/1d16b269-904e-41c9-bd23-cbdf761e305e/user.conf*;

Ok, we found the directory `/usr/local/etc/nginx/conf.d/1d16b269-904e-41c9-bd23-cbdf761e305e/`, go ahead and edit a
new config file to store the webserver configuration for Kimai:
vim /usr/local/etc/nginx/conf.d/1d16b269-904e-41c9-bd23-cbdf761e305e/user.conf-kimai2

Add the following lines to it:
index index.php;
access_log off;
log_not_found off;
location ~ /\.ht {
deny all;
location / {
try_files $uri /index.php$is_args$args;
location ~ ^/index\.php(/|$) {
fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php8.1-fpm.sock;
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.*)$;
include fastcgi.conf;
fastcgi_param PHP_ADMIN_VALUE "open_basedir=$document_root/..:/tmp/";
location ~ \.php$ {
return 404;

Check the nginx config with:
sudo nginx -t

If you see the following lines:
nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
you can tell nginx to reload the configuration with:
sudo nginx -s reload

That's it, Kimai should now run.

## Fixing file permissions

The following commands must be run in the Kimai directory, here in `/volume1/web/kimai/`.

They must be run as `root` user (e.g. by prefixing each line with `sudo`).
Be extremely careful, a wrong command can destroy your Synology ... you know: with great power comes great responsibility!

cd /volume1/web/kimai/

sudo chown -R :http .
sudo chmod -R g+r .
sudo chmod -R g+rw var/

## Updating Kimai

Please cross-check the normal [upgrade guide]({% link _documentation/ %}) for more steps:

cd /volume1/web/kimai/
git fetch --tags
git checkout {{ site.kimai_v2_version }}
php81 composer install {{ site.kimai_v2_composer_flags }}
php81 bin/console kimai:update
chown -R :http .

{% include snippets/ %}

### Update without git

cd /volume1/web/
wget {{ site.kimai_v2_repo }}/archive/refs/tags/{{ site.kimai_v2_version }}.zip
7z x
cp kimai2/.env kimai-{{ site.kimai_v2_version }}/
cp -R kimai2/var/invoices kimai-{{ site.kimai_v2_version }}/var/
cd kimai-{{ site.kimai_v2_version }}/

Then [download and install composer](, followed by the installation:

php81 composer.phar install {{ site.kimai_v2_composer_flags }}
php81 bin/console kimai:update

Now a) switch your virtual host to the new directory or b) change the directory names:

cd /volume1/web/
mv kimai kimai-backup
mv kimai-{{ site.kimai_v2_version }} kimai
{% include snippets/ %}

## SSO with Synology Directory Server

See [this discussion]({{ site.kimai_v2_repo }}/discussions/3198) to find out more.

1. Prerequisite Synology Directory Server App installed on your NAS
2. Preparation: open Synology Directory Server App

- **Domain Tab** write down:
Domain name, e.g. your.domain
Domain NetBios name, e.g. your address of Domain Controller, e.g. dc.your.domain
"DC" part of Distinguished name (DN), e.g. DC=your,DC=domain (everything after OU=Domain Controllers)

- **Users & Computers Tab** create user:
Add - Username
User Login name: kimai (can be freely chosen)
Password: your-password
Confirm Password: your-password
Untick "Force this account to change password at next login"
confirm next windows (it is sufficient if user just belongs to the group 'domain users'

3. **local.yaml**
create the file local.yaml or add the 'ldap part' to your local.yaml and upload it to kimai/config/packages

activate: true
host: "ldaps://dc.your.domain" <-- change to address of Domain Controller as recorded in first step)
port: 636
useSsl: true
username: CN=kimai,CN=Users,DC=your,DC=domain <--- the created user, amend the DC information as recorded in the first step
password: your-password <-- the password for the created user
accountFilterFormat: (&(objectClass=Person)(sAMAccountName=%s))
accountDomainName: your.domain <-- your domain name as recorded in first step
accountDomainNameShort: your <-- Domain NetBios name as recorded in first step

baseDn: DC=your,DC=domain <--- amend the DC information as recorded in the first step
usernameAttribute: samaccountname
filter: (&(objectClass=Person))
attributesFilter: (objectClass=Person)
- { ldap_attr: samaccountname, user_method: setUserIdentifier }
- { ldap_attr: mail, user_method: setEmail }
- { ldap_attr: displayname, user_method: setAlias }

baseDn: DC=your,DC=domain <--- amend the DC information as recorded in the first step
filter: (&(objectClass=group))
- { ldap_value: Domain Admins, role: ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN }
- { ldap_value: management, role: ROLE_ADMIN } <-- assumes that you have created a Domain Group 'management' in your Active Directory App; if not, delete this line
- { ldap_value: Users, role: ROLE_USER }
4. Installation
SSH into your Synology NAS, navigate to your Kimai installation (probably volume1\web\kimai2) and run the following command:
php80 /usr/local/bin/composer require laminas/laminas-ldap --optimize-autoloader

- use the correct php version that you have installed, e.g. `php81` (but not `php74`)
- change the path to composer if you have not created a link to your composer.phar under /usr/local/bin/

## Troubleshooting

### Allowed memory size issue

If you see an error like `Error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 32768 bytes)` then you
have to adjust the memory limit for the PHP command-line interface.
PHP has two different settings for memory limit, depending on where you run it:
- executed in web-context (you open a page in your browser) => the settings from DSM are used
- executing scripts (like the installer) via SSH => settings from another config file are used

So when running the installer and running into a memory issue, you have to adjust the `php.ini` whose settings are used
in SSH, e.g. the file `/usr/local/etc/php81/php.ini` is used for PHP 8.1.
Search for the key `memory_limit` and set it to a high value, e.g. `memory_limit=512M`.

Read [this discussion]({{ site.kimai_v2_repo }}/discussions/3468) for more infos.

### White page after changes to .env

If you are using a network share (or any Synology app) for downloading/editing/uploading the `.env` file,
make sure that `group` permissions for the `http` group are preserved.

{% include docs-image.html src="/images/documentation/synology-4.webp" title="File station > Select file > Right clink > Properties" width="1000px" %}

You can change them using:

`File station > change to kimai directory > Right click on .env > Properties`.

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