- ThoughtBook is a simple console app to record your thoughts and events
- Some of its features include:
- Creating a journal entry
- Searching journal entries
- By text
- By date
- By date and text
- Viewing a specific journal entry
- Viewing all journal entries
- Deleting journal entries
##Installation and Setup
Read the instructions below to run ThoughtBook
Install python
Download Python onto your computer by using the following links
- Windows - Python Downloads
- Mac - Python for Mac OS X
- Ubuntu - install python2.x and python2.x-dev packages
- Other systems - see the general download page
To ensure you have Python on your computer:
- Open the Command Prompt
- Type Python.
- If you have Python installed, you should see a response that includes the version number.
Clone the repository to your local folder of your choice
- On GitHub navigate the main page of the repository. https://github.com/JackyKimani/bc-7-JournalConsoleApp - automatic!
- Under the repository name, click on the URL and copy it
- Open Git Bash
- Change the working directory on cmd to the location where you want your clone made
- Type 'git clone ' and paste the URL *Press Enter to finish creating your cloned repository
Install the virtual environment
- To install globally with pip type the command
$ pip install virtualenv
- To install globally with pip type the command
Install required modules
- Open the requirements.txt file and pip install the required modules using
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Open the requirements.txt file and pip install the required modules using
Run ThoughtBook app
- On your console type in
python my_journal.py -i
to run the app interactively
- On your console type in
The app enables a user to do certain processes by using the following commands
entry <text> (enables a user to enter a journal entry's body)
search <search> (search for an entry based on date or text)
open <id> (opens a specific journal entry based on ID)
open_all (opens all journal entries in the database)
delete <text> (delete a journal based on the text)
To run the app you need to install all the modules used in the code. Install the modules by installing the requirements.py