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Start a REPL in your editor or terminal of choice.

Start the server with:


The default API is available under http://localhost:3000/api

System configuration is available under resources/system.edn.

To reload changes:




Configure a REPL following the Cursive documentation. Using the default "Run with IntelliJ project classpath" option will let you select an alias from the "Clojure deps" aliases selection.


Use the cider alias for CIDER nREPL support (run clj -M:dev:cider). See the CIDER docs for more help.

Note that this alias runs nREPL during development. To run nREPL in production (typically when the system starts), use the kit-nrepl library through the +nrepl profile as described in the documentation.

Calva (VS Code)

Easiest is to use the command Calva: Start a Project REPL and Connect (a.k.a. Jack-in)** and select the :dev alias. See Calva docs for how to use Calva.

If you prefer to start the REPL manually, you can run clj -M:dev:cider and then connect Calva.

Command Line

Run clj -M:dev:nrepl or make repl.

Note that, just like with CIDER, this alias runs nREPL during development. To run nREPL in production (typically when the system starts), use the kit-nrepl library through the +nrepl profile as described in the documentation.