- Assignment 01 and 1.1 Conference Website using HTML and web app Native Language
- Assignment 02 Implementation of Conference Website using HTML & CSS
- Assignment 03 Online Memory Game using JavaScript
- Assignment 04 HelleServlet Web Application using Tomcat Server
- Assignment 05 DatabaseServlet Web Application using Tomcat Server
- Assignment 06 Develop a web application using Session tracking mechanisms, Servlet and MySQL.
- Assignment 07 Develop a Hello Application using AJAX.
- Assignment 08 Develop a AJAX Application using MySql Database.
- Assignment 09 Popup menu using Ajax and DB
- Assignment 10 Simple Shopping App
- Assignment 11 Full-Stack ToDo App
- Assignment 12 TwoTier Application using ReactJS + Express
- Assignment 13 TwoTier Application using ReactJS + Express + MongoDB
- Test 01 Lab Test 01 - Full-Stack using Servlet
- Test 02 Lab Test 02 on Full-Stack using React+Node+mongodb
- Week 3 JS Basic input, event, function, DOM
- Week 4 Timmer and sliding window
- Week 5 DOM Style updata and Mouse pointer
- Week 6 DOM Content Updata & Firebase App
- Tomcat Install and Config
- Install and Config MySql in Ubuntu
- Install Node 21.x and NPM 10.x.x
- Mongodb install and Config
- API Files
Project 🏆 ✨
Develop a full stack web application for conducting On-line quiz using MVC architecture. The application should facilitate the normal and admin users to access it. To the normal user, instructions, questions with options and the score needs to be provided as the following snapshots. Admin user can view the registered users and their scores.