0.2 - devnet to goerli
Past due by almost 2 years
96% complete
Devnet launch between Arbitrum Goerli to Goerli
- Protocol freeze.
- Vea contracts deployed between Arbitrum Goerli and Goerli.
- The validator set is permissioned to guarantee a good developer experience to those building on Vea.
- Minimum viable validator client and relayer client.
- Xchain lightbulb demo app.
Devnet launch between Arbitrum Goerli to Goerli
- Protocol freeze.
- Vea contracts deployed between Arbitrum Goerli and Goerli.
- The validator set is permissioned to guarantee a good developer experience to those building on Vea.
- Minimum viable validator client and relayer client.
- Xchain lightbulb demo app.