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petrsloup committed Feb 29, 2016
1 parent 49b100e commit 69f7383
Showing 1 changed file with 31 additions and 189 deletions.
220 changes: 31 additions & 189 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,210 +1,52 @@
# tessera
# tileserver-mapnik

tessera is a [tilelive]( tile
Mapnik-based tile server generating raster tiles from tilelive-js sources (MapBox Studio project + custom vector tiles for example).
It supports also static maps API.

Using the power of the tilelive ecosystem, it is capable of serving and
rendering tiles from many sources.
## How to use

## Installation
### Docker

npm install -g tessera
npm install -g <tilelive modules...>

## How to Use

tessera does not install tilelive providers itself; it is up to you to
(globally) install any modules that you wish to use (along with dependencies
present in your configuration; e.g. a TM2 style that loads data tiles from an
HTTP source).

Modules listed in
[tilelive-modules]( will be
auto-detected and loaded if they have been installed. For other modules, you
will need to `--require` them explicitly.

To serve up an [MBTiles]( archive
using [node-mbtiles](

npm install -g mbtiles
tessera mbtiles://./whatever.mbtiles

To serve up a [TileMill]( (or
[Carto]( project using

tessera carto+file://./project.mml

To serve up a [TM2]( style using

tessera tmstyle://./

**Note**: non-`mapbox:` sources may need to have their protocols changed;
tessera requires that styles using HTTP-accessible data have `tilejson+http:`
as their protocol where TM2 expects `http:`. See
for more information.

To serve up a [TM2]( data source (it will use
`data.yml` as the source of truth) using

tessera tmsource://./

To serve up a bare [Mapnik]( stylesheet using

tessera mapnik://./stylesheet.xml

To serve up files from a filesystem using

tessera file://./tiles

To proxy HTTP-accessible tiles using


To proxy Mapbox-hosted tiles using

tessera mapbox:///mapbox.mapbox-streets-v4
The easiest way to run tileserver-mapnik is using the precompiled docker container (

To proxy tiles with available
[TileJSON]( using
Detailed instructions how to use the tileserver-mapnik with docker:

tessera tilejson+

A TileJSON endpoint is available at
[localhost:8080/index.json](http://localhost:8080/index.json) with various bits
of metadata about the tiles being served.

## Configuration

Tessera has command-line options:
### Without docker

Usage: node tessera.js [uri] [options]
Follow the commands in `Dockerfile` to install the necessary packages, download common fonts and prepare the environment.

uri tilelive URI to serve
Usage: `node bin/tessera.js [options]`

-C SIZE, --cache-size SIZE Set the cache size (in MB) [10]
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG Provide a configuration file or directory
-p PORT, --port PORT Set the HTTP Port [8080]
-r MODULE, --require MODULE Require a specific tilelive module
-S SIZE, --source-cache-size SIZE Set the source cache size (in # of sources) [10]
-v, --version Show version info
- `-c CONFIG` - Configuration file
- `-p PORT` - HTTP port [8080]
- `-C SIZE` - Cache size in MB [10]
- `-S SIZE` - Source cache size (in # of sources) [10]

A tilelive URI or configuration file is required.
Commonly used options can be set using the `TESSERA_OPTS` environment variable.
This is what a configuration file looks like:
#### Example configuration file

"/": {
"source": "mbtiles:///Users/seth/archive.mbtiles",
"cors": false,
"timing": false
"/style1": {
"source": "tmstyle://./style1.tm2"
"/a": {
"source": "mbtiles:///Users/seth/archive.mbtiles",
"headers": {
"Cache-Control": "public,max-age={{#tileJSON}}86400{{/tileJSON}}{{#tile}}3600{{/tile}}",
"Surrogate-Control": "max-age=86400",
"Surrogate-Keys": "{{#tile}}z{{zoom}} x{{x}} y{{y}}{{/tile}}"
"/style2": {
"source": "tmstyle:///home/user/style2.tm2"
"/b": "mbtiles:///Users/seth/archive.mbtiles"
Header values are treated as
[Mustache]( (technically
[Handlebars]( templates, which allow them to vary by
request. The following variables are available to header templates:
* `tile.retina` - for retina (`@2x`) requests
* `tile.zoom` - zoom (for tile requests)
* `tile.x` - row (for tile requests)
* `tile.y` - column (for tile requests)
* `tile.format` - requested format
* `tileJSON` - for TileJSON requests
* `200` - HTTP 200
* `404` - HTTP 404
* `invalidFormat` - the requested format did not match what the tilelive source
* `invalidZoom` - the requested zoom is outside the available range
* `invalidCoordinates` - the requested coordinates are outside the available bounds
CORS and `X-Response-Time` can be disabled per-style:
"cors": false,
"timing": false
"/vector": {
"source": "mbtiles:///home/user/data.mbtiles"

(Note that enabling for `/` will propagate to all subdirectories, as they act
as middleware.)
Custom tile paths may be set per-style:
"tilePath": "/{z}/{x}/{y}-debug.{format}"
The default tile path is:
"tilePath": "/{z}/{x}/{y}.{format}"
(_Note_: the final `.` will be expanded to transparently support retina
requests (effectively `/{z}/{x}/{y}@2x.{format}`).)
If `--config` is set to a directory, all JSON files in it will be concatenated
together to form a single configuration. In the case of repeated options or
paths, the last one will win (where files are loaded in alphabetical order).
**Note**: For tm2 styles, you need to make sure the content of style's `project.yml` (its `source` property) points to a valid mbtiles file (e.g. `source: "mbtiles://./data.mbtiles"`).

## Environment Variables
## Available URLs

* `PORT` - Port to bind to. Defaults to `8080`.
* `CACHE_SIZE` - Cache size (in MB) for
[tilelive-cache]( Defaults to
* `SOURCE_CACHE_SIZE` - Number of sources to cache (for
[tilelive-cache]( Defaults to 6.
*NOTE*: implicit retina versions count as an extra source.
* `TESSERA_OPTS` - Additional command-line arguments.
- If you visit the server on the configured port (default 8080) you should see your maps appearing in the browser.
- The tiles itself are served at `/{basename}/{z}/{x}/{y}[@2x].{format}`
- The optional `@2x` part can be used to render HiDPI (retina) tiles
- Static images are rendered at:
- `/{basename}/static/{lon},{lat},{zoom}/{width}x{height}[@2x].{format}` (center-based)
- `/{basename}/static/{minx},{miny},{maxx},{maxy}/{zoom}[@2x].{format}` (area-based)
- TileJSON at `/{basename}/index.json`

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