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Home of KLP. Houses most of the data and APIs that powers the features on the home page and reports.

Development Setup

We use Vagrant for development. Here's everything you need to know about setting up dubdubdub for development.

Install Vagrant

  1. Download for Ubuntu
  2. Download for OS X

Install Virtualbox

  1. Ubuntu

     $ wget
     $ sudo dpkg -i virtualbox-4.3_4.3.4-91027~Ubuntu~raring_amd64.deb
  2. Download for OS X

Clone the code

git clone [email protected]:klpdotorg/dubdubdub.git

Setup Vagrant

$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh

Copy Local settings file

$ cp dubdubdub/{.sample,}

When developing locally, add the following line to to output emails to console and not attempt to actually send them:

EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend'


$ runserver

and go to http://localhost:8001

CSS workflow:

  1. Add a partial to assets/static/sass/dev and import it in assets/static/sass/style.scss. For example, see assets/static/sass/dev/_sample.scss.

  2. Run Sass before you commit the changes

    $ sass assets/static/sass/style.scss assets/static/css/style.css

  3. Alternately, you can simply watch and compile the Sass outside vagrant by running this command: sass --watch assets/static/sass/style.scss:assets/static/css/style.css

Running unit tests

Unit tests are available for the schools and users endpoints. Below are instructions to run the unit tests available so far.

Clone the development database:

sudo -u postgres createdb -T existing_db_name test_db_name

All test settings are in the file.

Modify the database name in to reflect the name you gave to your test db.

Make sure the script has execute permissions. Then, run the shell script as follows to run the existing unit tests:


All the unit tests should pass.

Skipping DB creation when unit tests execute

The unit test script creates a test database and then executes tests against it. To skip creation of a database and leverage existing ones, run the script like so:

./ skipdbcreate

The DB to use should be updated in the test_settings file.

Populating local db with production dump

  1. Copy the latest backup from the production server onto your machine.
  • rsync -azP -e "ssh -p 2020" <your_username><backup_file_name>.gz .
  • On the production server, you can find the backup files at /home/vamsee/backups/db/dubdubdub/.
  1. Uncompress the downloaded file.
  • gunzip <backup_file_name>.gz
  1. Drop the dubdubdub db on your local machine.
  • dropdb dubdubdub
  1. Create a new dubdubdub db.
  • createdb -U klp dubdubdub
  1. Copy the db dump you downloaded into the project root folder (the place where you Vagrantfile resides). # Not necessarily

  2. Use pg_restore to populate your local db with the dump.

  • pg_restore -U klp -h localhost -d dubdubdub <backup_file_name>
  1. Create the materialized views.
  • psql -h localhost -U klp -d dubdubdub -f sql/materialized_views.sql

Database refresh of dubdubub

  1. The exported ems csv is put inside data/ems/ directory
  2. run ./imports/ -d <dbname>
  3. run ./imports/ -d <dbname>
  4. run ./imports/ -d <dbname>