sweetnook - frontend [Go to backend API]
Basic Facebook-like Social Media app
Live preview: kn8a.github.io/sweetnook/
- Sign-up / log-in / login as demo user
- JWT authentication
- Send/cancel friend requests
- Accept/decline friend requests from other users
- Make text-only posts
- Like posts
- Add comments
- Like comments
- Edit and delete posts
- Upload custom profile picture
- Edit profile
- Home page shows newsfeed of your and your friend's recent posts
- Profile page shows your own posts and friends list
- React
- React Bulma Components
- React Icons
- React Toastify
- Luxon
- Axios
- Clone this repository.
- Installation:
npm install
- In the project directory, run:
npm start
- Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. The page will reload if you make edits.