Fetches upload and download statistics from a fritzbox.
Right now only used by a munin plugin. Which gives the mean and max of the last minute's data.
This is a scraping solution - we're actually fetching the JSON data fritzbox fetches for its own traffic graph.
Change the login info in helpers_fritz.py before running
This code broke when our fritzbox got replaced by a similar model, largely because the auth changed slightly - username was no longer empty, used SHA256 instad of MD5.
There is now a newer version of the exchange, that I made work (probably, with some more work) but now I have no way to test whether the old version still works. Feel free to tell me what's broken.
Yes, the auth is currently hardcoded in the library, and as a global. You only have one fritzbox, right?
The login is a challenge-response thing. Details depend slightly on version.
fritz_fetch() returns a dict like
{u'_node': u'sg0',
u'downstream': 214868000,
u'ds_bps_curr_max': 526334,
u'ds_bps_max': 26858500,
u'dynamic': False,
u'mode': u'VDSL',
u'name': u'sync_dsl',
u'upstream': 32272000,
u'us_bps_curr_max': 219772,
u'us_bps_max': 4034000,
u'ds_mc_bps_curr': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
u'ds_bps_curr': [446023, 448728, 458205, 318816, 401131, 382887, 520784, 417167, 328721, 407530,
385023, 393786, 384885, 448877, 412175, 304371, 378578, 357142, 526334, 289975],
u'us_background_bps_curr': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
u'us_default_bps_curr': [81934, 119163, 83695, 156271, 182721, 167155, 187029, 168391, 122218, 68770,
140439, 157814, 137203, 146380, 155806, 157812, 173545, 192133, 115922, 67846],
u'us_important_bps_curr': [12063, 7328, 16234, 9262, 14278, 9043, 12665, 8434, 9512, 7560,
7154, 10995, 10071, 6756, 9295, 7718, 8086, 7136, 5741, 5395],
u'us_realtime_bps_curr': [7660, 308, 76, 143, 84, 359, 112, 203, 39742, 33576,
82, 417, 394, 294, 199, 445, 433, 20503, 52273, 10928]
If you need the v2 version of the auth, this has also changed -- a dict just like that still exists but is nested in more dict.
The traffic stuff mostly a bunch of ds_ (downstream) and us_ (upstream) details, including some guest stuff, which seems to be in bytes per second (a bit of a unit mix, the link speed seems to be in bits per second).
Upstream is split into into background (few things), normal (most things), priotitized, and realtime
The lists are the most recent first.
They are apparently averages over 5 seconds (the fetch from the graphing page is every 5 sec, the reported values also stay constant over 5 seconds).