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A service wrapper for toastr.js with auto injection into routes, components, and controllers.

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ember install ember-toastr

The toastr service is injected as toast into controllers, routes, and components, so it can be used like so:'Hello there!');

⚠️ Version 2.0 will probably remove the automatic injection into controllers and components in favor of service injection, and your own automatic injection.

If you want to access it anywhere else, please inject it

toast: Ember.inject.service(),

test() {
  // don't forget to use `get`, since injections are computed properties
  var toast = this.get('toast');'text', 'title', options);

You can also use toast.clear() and toast.remove() to remove all toasts. For example:

<button onclick={{action toast.clear}}>Clear</button>

See the toastr.js demo for other possible uses, and the toastr.js documentation for explanation of options.


toast Service

success(msg = '', title = '', options = {})

A method with the above default values for displaying a success toast.

info(msg = '', title = '', options = {})

A method with the above default values for displaying a info toast.

warning(msg = '', title = '', options = {})

A method with the above default values for displaying a warning toast.

error(msg = '', title = '', options = {})

A method with the above default values for displaying an error toast.

clear() or clear(toast)

A method to clear all toasts, or the individual toast.

remove() or remove(toast)

A method to remove all toasts, or the individual toast.


A property to access all toasts that are added.


These are the default options:

ENV['ember-toastr'] = {
  injectAs: 'toast',
  toastrOptions: {
    closeButton: true,
    debug: false,
    newestOnTop: true,
    progressBar: true,
    positionClass: 'toast-top-right',
    preventDuplicates: true,
    onclick: null,
    showDuration: '300',
    hideDuration: '1000',
    timeOut: '4000',
    extendedTimeOut: '1000',
    showEasing: 'swing',
    hideEasing: 'linear',
    showMethod: 'fadeIn',
    hideMethod: 'fadeOut'

All options in toastrOptions are direct options for toastr.js.


  • git clone this repository
  • npm install
  • bower install


Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

Publish Demo Site

ember github-pages:commit --message <message>
git push

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