All projects in this repository are the work of: Phil Crumm ([email protected]) Ivan Petkov ([email protected])
The contents of this repository are licensed under a public domain license unless otherwise indicated. The projects are provided here for reference only and should not be used to help in any other academic work.
Note: since this class focuses on databases and not on web applications. Since the project specifications explicitly state to expect valid, nonexploitive inputs, their sanitization is nonexhaustive or missing altogether in the face of time constraints.
Simple PHP "calculator" -- an exercise in PHP
Precursor to a movie database -- an exercise in establishing SQL constraints
A web interface for an actual movie database
A simple SQL database which can load data from a CSV, and select on it for given constraints.
- SQL parsing and disk IO modules provided by the instructor.
- Indexing, data loading, and data selection implemented by Ivan Petkov.