This small piece of software translates static pseudocode as described in chapters 7 and 8 of The Elements of Computing System to VM code runnable on the book's VM emulator.
The program converts push/pop commands as follows:
- push c -> push constant c, where c is a constant,
- push x -> push static n, where x is a variable name and n is a memory address,
- pop n -> pop that n, where n is a memory address, and
- pop x -> pop static n, where x is a variable name and n is a memory address.
It also supports a print macro, that "prints" an 8-bit integer by writing it to the first word in the graphics memory. It translates as follows:
- print -> pop that 16384, writes the last element on the stack to the graphics memory
- print c -> push constant c, pop that 16384, where c is a constant, and
- print x -> push static n, pop that 16384, where x is a variable name and n is a memory address.
The project consists of a single file of Java sourcecode, accompanied by three example files:
-, a piece of Python code describing a simple loop.
- loop-pseudo.vm, a file containing pseudo VM code. Please note that most comments will be lost in translation.
- loop-sane.vm, a file showcasing what the translated code from loop-pseudo.vm will look like. Please note that the file has been manually edited with comments to match the comments from loop-pseudo.vm.
Make sure that you have installed a Java 8 SDK before attempting to install the software. The software makes use of features not available prior to Java 8. Once done, compile the software by running
$ javac
The software is now compiled and ready to be used.
The software runs from the terminal. To translate a file, simply type
$ java Translator sourcefile.vm result.vm
where sourcefile.vm contains pseudocode and result.vm contains the resulting VM code.