- OS: Ubuntu-20.04
- Pyhon: 3.9.12
- CUDA: 11.5
- Install python requirements and submodules.
sh install.sh
Download pretrained models from Higher-HRNet model zoo.
And store the model into./models/higher_hrnet/
. -
Download pretrained models from HRNet model zoo.
And store the model into./models/hrnet/
. -
Download pretrained models from UniTrack model zoo, BarlowTwins recommended.
And store the model into./models/unitrack/
You have to store srugery videos as follows.
The operating room number - DATE
Date of surgery - VIDEO*.mp4
Video data whose name are not specified, but in order to time series. And codec has to be mp4.
├── [ROOM_NUM]
│ └── [DATE]
│ ├── [VIDEO1].mp4
│ ├── [VIDEO2].mp4
│ ├── ...
python demo_surgery.py [-h] -rn ROOM_NUM -d DATE [-c CFG_PATH] [-wk] [-wi] [-wg]
- -rn ROOM_NUM, --room_num ROOM_NUM : operating room number
- -d DATE, --date DATE : date of surgery
- -h, --help : show this help message and exit
- -c CFG_PATH, --cfg_path CFG_PATH : Config file path.
- -wk, --without_keypoint : without keypoint extraction.
- -wi, --without_individual : without idividual analyzation.
- -wg, --without_group : without group analyzation.
python demo_file.py [-h] video_path data_dir -rn ROOM_NUM [-c CFG_PATH] [-wk] [-wi] [-wg]
- video_path : video file path
- data_dir : data directory path where results are saved
- -h, --help : show this help message and exit
- -rn ROOM_NUM, --room_num ROOM_NUM : operating room number
- -c CFG_PATH, --cfg_path CFG_PATH : config file path.
- -wk, --without_keypoint : without keypoint extraction.
- -wi, --without_individual : without idividual analyzation.
- -wg, --without_group : without group analyzation.
title={Operating Room Surveillance Video Analysis for Group Activity Recognition},
author={Koji Yokoyama and Goshiro Yamamoto and Chang Liu and Kazumasa Kishimoto and Tomohiro Kuroda},
journal={Advanced Biomedical Engineering},
publisher={Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering},
title={Recognition of Instrument Passing and Group Attention for Understanding Intraoperative State of Surgical Team},
author={Koji Yokoyama and Goshiro Yamamoto and Chang Liu and Osamu Sugiyama and Luciano HO Santos and Tomohiro Kuroda},
journal={Advanced Biomedical Engineering},