Grow github grass to console.
$ gh extension install koki-develop/gh-grass
$ gh grass --help
Grow github grass to console.
gh grass [flags]
-u, --user string github username
--from string only contributions made at this time or later will be counted
--to string only contributions made before and up to (including) this time will be counted
-t, --theme string grass theme (dark|light) (default "dark")
-g, --grass string grass string (default "β ")
-a, --animate animate grass
--total print total contributions
-h, --help help for gh
$ gh grass
$ gh grass --user <USERNAME>
# e.g.
$ gh grass --user koki-develop
$ gh grass --from "<yyyy-MM-dd>"
$ gh grass --to "<yyyy-MM-dd>"
$ gh grass --from "<yyyy-MM-dd>" --to "<yyyy-MM-dd>"
$ gh grass --theme <dark or light>
# e.g.
$ gh grass --theme light
$ gh grass --grass "<GRASS STRING>"
# e.g.
$ gh grass --grass "β"
$ gh grass --animate
$ gh grass --total