ZF-Admin is a simple starter template for building admin or dashboard interfaces.
I wanted a Zurb Foundation based template with just a minimum amount of features and a proper build system.
- Plugins: Datepickers, graphs, notifications e.t.c
- Asset managememt using Bower
- Build system using Gulp
- Templating system using Jquery.loadTemplate
These features can be configured and are not mandatory.
You can view the dashboard examples by changing intto the "examples" folder and running a server application like http-server or live-server.
Clone this repository or npm install zf-admin or bower install zf-admin
- Run "npm install".
- Run "bower install".
- Modify the gulpfile.js as needed.
- Modify the source SASS and JS files as needed.
- Run Gulp to build assets.
Check out the example folder to see how to use the template as is. You can still customize as you see fit. It just would not be as flexible.
- Charting. chart.js
- Animated counters. countup.js
- Date/ Time picker. flatpickr
- Notifications. Noty
- Simple templating. jQuery.loadTemplate
- Lightbox. Responsive-Lightbox
- Alerts and modal dialogs. sweetalert2
- Data tables. datatables
Run "gulp help" to see a list of all the available build tasks: