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kolber edited this page Mar 9, 2012 · 3 revisions

Follow these steps:

Step 1

Log into your server using the FTP details provided by your host.

Step 2

Copy all the files from the stacey folder into the web directory on your server. Your web directory should now look like this.

Step 2

Step 3

Go into the /app folder and change the permissions on each of the folders inside the _cache folder to be 777 (completely public).

Step 3

Step 4

Visit your website and you should see stacey running with all its default content:

Step 4

Step 5

Optionally, at this point you can also enable clean urls by renaming your htaccess file to .htaccess

If things aren’t displaying correctly, you can visit the stacey support forums for help. If everything looks like the screenshot above, then you probably want to read about creating pages next.

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