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⚙️ - Action Required: This symbol signifies that the text to follow it requires the reader to fulfill an action.

Trying Out Konflux

This section demonstrates the process for deploying Konflux locally, onboarding users and building and releasing an application. The procedure contains two options for the user to choose from for onboarding applications to Konflux:

  • Using the Konflux UI
  • Using Kubernetes manifests

Each of those options has its pros and cons: the procedure described using the UI, provides more streamlined user experience once setup is done, but it requires using for image registry and requires some additional initial setup steps comparing to using Kubernetes manifest alone. The latter also supports using any image registry.

Note: The procedure that is described using the UI can also be fulfilled using CLI and Kubernetes manifests.

In both cases, the recommended way to try out Konflux is using Kind. The process below creates a Kind cluster using the provided config in this repository. The config tells Kind to forward port 9443 from the host to the Kind cluster. The port forwarding is needed for accessing Konflux.

Note: If using a remote machine for setup, you'd need to port-forward port 9443 on the remote machine to port 9443 on your local machine to be able to access the UI from your local machine.

Machine Minimum Requirements

The deployment is currently only supported on x86_64 Linux platforms.

The deployment requires the following free resources:

CPU: 4 cores

Note: Additional load from running multiple pipelines in parallel will require additional resources.

Installing Software Dependencies

⚙️ Verify that the applications below are installed on the host machine:

Bootstrapping the Cluster

⚙️ Clone this repository:

git clone
cd konflux-ci

Note: It is recommended that you increase the inotify resource limits in order to avoid issues related to too many open files. To increase the limits temporarily, run the following commands:

sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288
sudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_instances=512

From the root of this repository, run the setup scripts:

  1. ⚙️ Create a cluster
kind create cluster --name konflux --config kind-config.yaml

Note: When using Podman, it is recommended that you increase the PID limit on the container running the cluster, as the default might not be enough when the cluster becomes busy:

podman update --pids-limit 4096 konflux-control-plane

Note: If pods still fail to start due to missing resources, you may need to reserve additional resources to the Kind cluster. Edit kind-config.yaml and modify the system-reserved line under kubeletExtraArgs:

  - |
    kind: InitConfiguration
        node-labels: "ingress-ready=true"
        system-reserved: memory=12Gi
  1. ⚙️ Deploy the dependencies
  1. ⚙️ Deploy Konflux
  1. ⚙️ Deploy demo users
  1. ⚙️ If Konflux was installed on a cluster hosted in a remote machine, SSH port-forwarding can be used to access. Open an additional terminal and run the following command (make sure to add the details of your remote machine and user):
ssh -L 9443:localhost:9443 $USER@$VM_IP
  1. The UI will be available at https://localhost:9443. You can login using a test user.

username: user2

password: password

We now have Konflux up and running. Next, we shall configure Konflux to respond to Pull Request webhooks, build a user application and push it to a registry.

Enable Pipelines Triggering via Webhooks

Pipelines Can be triggered by Pull Request activities, and their outcomes will be reported back to the PR page in GitHub.

A GitHub app is required for creating webhooks that Tekton will listen on. When deployed in a local environment like Kind, GitHub will not be able to reach a service within the cluster. For that reason, we need to use a proxy that will listen on such events from within the cluster and will relay those events internally.

To do that, we rely on smee: We configure a GitHub app to send events to a channel we create on a public smee server, and we deploy a client within the cluster to listen to those events. The client will relay those events to pipelines-as-code (Tekton) inside the cluster.

  1. ⚙️ Start a new channel in smee, and take a note of the webhook proxy URL.

  2. ⚙️ Create a GitHub app following Pipelines-as-Code documentation.

    For Homepage URL you can insert https://localhost:9443/ (it doesn't matter).

    For Webhook URL insert the smee client's webhook proxy URL from previous steps.

    ⚙️ Per the instructions on the link, generate and download the private key and create a secret on the cluster providing the location of the private key, the App ID, and the openssl-generated secret created during the process.

  3. ⚙️ To allow Konflux to send PRs to your application repositories, the same secret should be created inside the build-service and the integration-service namespaces. See additional details under Configuring GitHub Application Secrets.

  4. ⚙️ Deploy the smee-client on the cluster:

    Edit the smee-client manifest, replacing <smee-channel> with the webhook proxy URL generated when creating the channel.

    Deploy the manifest:

kubectl create -f ./smee/smee-client.yaml

Onboard a new Application

The next step is to onboard an application to Konflux on behalf of user2.

This section includes two options for onboarding an application to Konflux.

The first option demonstrates using the Konflux UI to onboard an application and releases its builds to

The second option demonstrates using Kubernetes manifests to onboard, and releases the builds to a container registry deployed to the cluster. The idea behind this scenario is to simplify onboarding in order to demonstrate Konflux with greater ease.

Both options will use an example repository containing a Dockerfile to be built by Konflux:

  1. ⚙️ Fork the example repository, by clicking the Fork button from that repository and following the instructions on the "Create a new fork" page.

  2. ⚙️ Install the GitHub app on your fork: Go to the app's page on GitHub, click on Install App on the left-hand side, Select the organization the fork repository is on, click Only select repositories, and select your fork repository.

We will use our Konflux deployment to build and release Pull Requests for this fork.

Option 1: Onboard Application with the Konflux UI

With this approach, Konflux can create:

  1. The manifests in GitHub for the pipelines it will run against the applications onboarded to Konflux.
  2. The repositories into which it will push container images.

The former is enabled by creating the GitHub Application Secrets on all 3 namespaces and installing your newly-created GitHub app on your repository, as explained above.

To achieve the latter follow the step below:

⚙️ Create an organization and an application in that will allow Konflux to create repositories for your applications. To do that, Follow the procedure to configure a application and deploy image-controller.

Create Application and Component via the Konflux UI

⚙️ Follow these steps to onboard your application:

  1. Login to Konflux as user2 (password: password).
  2. Click Create application
  3. Verify the workspace is set to user-ns2 (notice the ws breadcrumb trail just above Create an application and click the ... to switch workspaces as needed).
  4. Provide a name to the application and click "Add a component"
  5. Under Git repository url, copy the https link to your fork. This should be something similar to<your-name>/testrepo.git.
  6. Leave Docker file blank. The default value of Dockerfile will be used.
  7. Under the Pipeline drop-down list, select docker-build.
  8. Click Create application.

NOTE: If you encounter 404 Not Found error, refer to the troubleshooting guide.

The UI should now display the Lifecycle diagram for your application. In the Components tab you should be able to see your component listed and you'll be prompted to merge the automatically-created Pull Request (don't do that just yet. we'll have it merged in section Trigger the Release).

NOTE: if you have NOT completed the setup steps in the previous section, Konflux will be UNABLE to send a PR to your repository. Konflux will display "Sending Pull Request".

In your GitHub repository you should now see a PR was created with two new pipelines. One is triggered by PR events (e.g. when PRs are created or changed), and the other is triggered by push events (e.g. when PRs are merged).

Your application is now onboarded, and you can continue to the next step.

Option 2: Onboard Application with Kubernetes Manifests

With this approach, we use kubectl to deploy the manifests for creating the Application and Component resources and we manually create the PR for introducing the pipelines to run using Konflux.

To do that:

  1. ⚙️ Use a text editor to edit your local copy of the example application manifests:

    Under the Component and Repository resources, change the url fields so they point to your newly-created fork.

    Note the format differences between the two fields! The Component URL has a .git suffix, while the Repository URL doesn't.

    Deploy the manifests:

kubectl create -f ./test/resources/demo-users/user/ns2/application-and-component.yaml
  1. ⚙️ Log into the Konflux UI as user2 (password: password). You should be able to see your new Application and Component by clicking "View my applications".

Image Registry

The build pipeline that you're about to run pushes the images it builds to an image registry.

For the sake of simplicity, it's configured to use a registry deployed into the cluster during previous steps of this setup (when dependencies were installed).

Note: The statement above is only true when not onboarding via the Konflux UI. You can convert it to use a public image registry later on.

Creating a Pull Request

You're now ready to create your first PR to your fork.

  1. ⚙️ Clone your fork and create a new branch:
git clone <my-fork-url>
cd <my-fork-name>
git checkout -b add-pipelines
  1. Tekton will trigger pipelines present in the .tekton directory. The pipelines already exist on your repository, you just need to copy them to that location.

    ⚙️ Copy the manifests:

mkdir -p .tekton
cp pipelines/* .tekton/
  1. ⚙️ Commit your changes and push them to your repository:
git add .tekton
git commit -m "add pipelines"
git push origin HEAD
  1. ⚙️ Your terminal should now display a link for creating a new Pull Request in GitHub. Click the link, make sure the PR is targeted against your fork's main branch and not against the repository from which it was forked (i.e. base repository should reside under your user name).

    Finally, click "Create pull request" (we'll have it merged in section Trigger the Release).

Observe the Behavior

Note: If the behavior you see is not as described below, consult the troubleshooting document.

Once your PR is created, you should see a status is being reported at the bottom of the PR's comments section (just above the "Add a comment" box).

Your GitHub App should now send PR events to your smee channel. Navigate to your smee channel's web page. You should see a couple of events were sent just after your PR was created. E.g. check_run, pull_request.

⚙️ Log into the Konflux UI as user2 and check your applications. Select the application you created earlier, click on Activity and Pipeline runs. A build should've been triggered a few seconds after the PR was created.

Follow the build progress. Depending on your system's load and network connection (the build process involves pulling images), it might take a few minutes for the build to complete. It will clone the repository, build using the Dockerfile, and push the image to the registry.

Note: If a pipeline is triggered, but it seems stuck for a long time, especially at early stages, refer to the troubleshooting document's running out of resources section.

Pull your new Image

When the build process is done, you can check out the image you just built by pulling it from the registry.

Public Registry

If using a public registry, navigate to the repository URL mentioned in the output-image value of your pull-request pipeline and locate your build.

For example, if using, you'd need to go to the Tags tab and locate the relevant build for the tag mentioned on the output-image value (e.g. on-pr-{{revision}}), and click the Fetch Tag button on the right to generate the command to pull the image.

Local Registry

⚙️ If using a local registry, Port-forward the registry service, so you can reach it from outside of the cluster:

kubectl port-forward -n kind-registry svc/registry-service 30001:443

The local registry is using a self-signed certificate that is being distributed to all namespaces. You can fetch the certificate from the cluster and use it on the curl calls below. This will look something like this:

kubectl get secrets -n kind-registry local-registry-tls \
   -o jsonpath='{\.crt}' | base64 -d > ca.crt

curl --cacert ca.crt https://...

Instead, we're going to use the -k flag to skip the TLS verification.

Leave the terminal hanging and on a new terminal window:

⚙️ List the repositories on the registry:

curl -k https://localhost:30001/v2/_catalog

The output should look like this:


⚙️ List the tags on that test-component repository (assuming you did not change the pipeline's output-image parameter):

curl -k https://localhost:30001/v2/test-component/tags/list

You should see a list of tags pushed to that repository. Take a note of that.


⚙️ Pull the image starting with on-pr- (we use podman below, but the commands should be similar on docker):

podman pull --tls-verify=false localhost:30001/test-component:on-pr-1ab9e6d756fbe84aa727fc8bb27c7362d40eb3a4
Trying to pull localhost:30001/test-component:on-pr-1ab9e6d756fbe84aa727fc8bb27c7362d40eb3a4...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob cde118a3f567 done   |
Copying blob 2efec45cd878 done   |
Copying blob fd5d635ec9b7 done   |
Copying config be9a47b762 done   |
Writing manifest to image destination

Start a Container

⚙️ Start a container based on the image you pulled:

podman run --rm be9a47b76264e8fb324d9ef7cddc9...
hello world

Integration Tests

If you onboarded your application using the Konflux UI, the integration tests are automatically created for you by Konflux.

On the Konflux UI, the integration tests definition should be visible in the Integration tests tab under your application, and a pipeline should've been triggered for them under the Activity tab, named after the name of the application. You can click it and examine the logs to see the kind of things it verifies, and to confirm it passed successfully.

Once confirmed, skip to adding customized integration tests.

if you onboarded your application manually, you will now configure your application to trigger integration tests after each PR build is done.

Configure Integration Tests

You can add integration tests either via the Konflux UI, or by applying the equivalent Kubernetes resource.

NOTE: If you have imported your component via the UI, a similar Integration Test is pre-installed.

In our case, the resource is defined in test/resources/demo-users/user/ns2/ec-integration-test.yaml.

⚙️ Apply the resource manifest:

kubectl create -f test/resources/demo-users/user/ns2/ec-integration-test.yaml

Alternatively, you can provide the content from that YAML using the UI:

  1. ⚙️ Login as user2 and navigate to your application and component.

  2. ⚙️ Click the Integration tests tab.

  3. ⚙️ Click Actions and select Add Integration test.

  4. ⚙️ Fill-in the details from the YAML.

  5. ⚙️ Click Add Integration test.

Either way, you should now see the test listed in the UI under Integration tests.

Our integration test is using a pipeline residing in the location defined under the resolverRef field on the YAML mentioned above. From now on, after the build pipeline runs, the pipeline mentioned on the integration test will also be triggered.

⚙️ To verify that, go back to your GitHub PR and add a comment: /retest.

On the Konflux UI, under your component Activity tab, you should now see the build pipeline running again (test-component-on-pull-request-...), and when it's done, you should see another pipeline run called test-component-c6glg-... being triggered.

You can click it and examine the logs to see the kind of things it verifies, and confirm it passes successfully.

Add Customized Integration Tests (Optional)

NOTE: The custom integration test currently only supports testing images stored externally to the cluster. If using the local registry, skip to Configure Releases.

The integration tests you added just now are relatively generic Enterprise Contract tests. The next step adds a customized test scenario which is specific to our application.

Our simple application is a container image with an entrypoint that prints hello world and exits, and we're going to add a test to verify that it does indeed print that.

An integration test scenario references a pipeline definition. In this case, the pipeline is defined on our example repository. Looking at the pipelines definition, you can see that it takes a single parameter named SNAPSHOT. This parameter is provided automatically by Konflux and it contains references to the images built by the pipeline that triggered the integration tests. We can define additional parameters to be passed from Konflux to the pipeline, but in this case, we only need the snapshot.

The pipeline then uses the snapshot to extract the image that was built by the pipeline that triggered it and deploys that image. Next, it collects the execution logs and verifies that they indeed contain hello world.

We can either use the Konflux UI or the Kubernetes CLI to add the integration test scenario.

To add it through the Konflux UI:

  1. ⚙️ Login as user2 and navigate to your application and component.

  2. ⚙️ Click the Integration tests tab.

  3. ⚙️ Click Actions and select Add Integration test.

  4. ⚙️ Fill in the fields:

  • Integration test name: a name of your choice
  • GitHub URL:
  • Revision: main
  • Path in repository: integration-tests/testrepo-integration.yaml
  1. ⚙️ Click Add Integration test.

Alternatively, you can create it using kubectl. The manifest is stored in test/resources/demo-users/user/ns2/integration-test-hello.yaml:

  1. ⚙️ Verify the application field contains your application name.

  2. ⚙️ Deploy the manifest:

kubectl create -f ./test/resources/demo-users/user/ns2/integration-test-hello.yaml

⚙️ Post a /retest comment on your GitHub PR, and once the pull-request pipeline is done, you should see your new integration test being triggered alongside the one you had before.

If you examine the logs, you should be able to see the snapshot being parsed and the test being executed.

Configure Releases

You will now configure Konflux to release your application to the external registry configured in previous steps.

This requires:

  • A pipeline that will run on push events to the component repository.

  • ReleasePlan and ReleasePlanAdmission resources, that will react on the snapshot to be created after the on-push pipeline will be triggered, which, in turn, will trigger the creation of the release.

If onboarded using the Konflux UI, the pipeline was already created and configured for you.

If onboarded using Kubernetes manifests then you should have copied the pipeline to the .tekton directory before creating your initial PR.

Create ReleasePlan and ReleasePlanAdmission Resources

Once you merge a PR, the on-push pipeline will be triggered and once it completes, a snapshot will be created and the integration tests will run against the container images built on the on-push pipeline.

Konflux now needs ReleasePlan and ReleasePlanAdmission resources that will be used together with the snapshot for creating a new Release resource.

The ReleasePlan resource includes a reference to the application that the development team wants to release, along with the namespace where the application is supposed to be released (in this case, managed-ns2).

The ReleasePlanAdmission resource defines how the application should be released, and it is typically maintained, not by the development team, but by the managed environment team (the team that supports the deployments of that application).

The ReleasePlanAdmission resource makes use of an Enterprise Contract (EC) policy, which defines criteria for gating releases.

Lastly, the process also requires permissions to be granted to the managed environment appstudio-pipeline service account on several resources.

For more details you can examine the manifests under the managed-ns2 directory.

To do all that, follow these steps:

⚙️ Edit the release plan and verify that the application field contains the name of your application.

⚙️ Deploy the Release Plan under the development team namespace (user-ns2):

kubectl create -f ./test/resources/demo-users/user/ns2/release-plan.yaml

Edit the ReleasePlanAdmission manifest:

NOTE: if you're using the in-cluster registry, you should not be required to make any of the changes to the ReleasePlanAdmission manifest described below before deploying it.

  1. ⚙️ Under applications, verify that your application is the one listed.

  2. ⚙️ Under the components mapping list, set the name field so it matches the name of your component and replace the value of the repository field with the URL of the repository on the registry to which your released images are to be pushed. This is typically a different repository comparing to the one builds are being pushed during tests.

    For example, if your component is called test-component, and you wish to release your images to a repository called my-user/my-konflux-component-release, then the configs should look like this:

        - name: test-component

⚙️ Deploy the managed environment team's namespace, along with the resources mentioned above:

kubectl create -k ./test/resources/demo-users/user/managed-ns2

At this point, you can click Releases on the left pane in the UI. The status for your ReleasePlan should be "Matched".

Create a Registry Secret for the Managed Namespace

NOTE: if you're using the in-cluster registry, you can skip this step and proceed to triggering a release.

In order for the release service to be able to push images to the registry, a secret is needed on the managed namespace (managed-ns2).

The secret needs to be created on this namespace regardless of whether you used the UI for onboarding or not, but if you weren't, then this secret is identical to the one that was previously created on the development namespace (user-ns2).

⚙️ To create it, follow the instructions for creating a push secret for the release pipeline for namespace managed-ns2.

Trigger the Release

You can now merge your PR and observe the behavior:

  1. Merge the PR in GitHub.

  2. On the Konflux UI, you should now see your on-push pipeline being triggered.

  3. Once it finishes successfully, the integration tests should run once more, and a release should be created under the Releases tab.

  4. ⚙️ Wait for the Release to be complete, and check your registry repository for the released image.

Congratulations: You just created a release for your application!

Your released image should be available inside the repository pointed by your ReleasePlanAdmission resource.

Working with External Image Registry (Optional)

This section provides instructions if you're interested in using an external image registry, instead of the in-cluster one.

Push Pull Request Builds to External Registry

First, configure your application to use an external registry instead of the internal one used so far. In order to do that, you'd need to have a repository, on a public registry, in which you have push permissions. E.g. Docker Hub,

  1. ⚙️ Create an account on a public registry (unless you have one already).

  2. ⚙️ Create a push secret based on your login information and deploy it to your user namespace on the cluster (e.g. user-ns2).

  3. ⚙️ Create a new repository on the registry to which your images will be pushed. For example, in, you'd need to click the Create New Repository button and provide it with name and location. Free accounts tend to have limits on private repositories, so for the purpose of this example, you can make your repository public.

  4. Configure your build pipeline to use your new repository on the public registry instead of the local registry:

    ⚙️ Edit .tekton/testrepo-pull-request.yaml inside your testrepo fork and replace the value of output-image to point to your repository. For example, if using and your username is my-user and you created a repository called my-konflux-component under your own organization, then the configs should look like this:

  - name: output-image
  1. ⚙️ Push your changes to your testrepo fork, either as a new PR or as a change to an existing PR. Observe the behavior as before, and verify that the build pipeline finishes successfully, and that your public repository contains the images pushed by the pipeline.

Use External Registry for on-push Pipeline

⚙️ Edit the content of the copy you made earlier to the on-push pipeline at .tekton/testrepo-push.yaml, replacing the value of output-image, so that the repository URL is identical to the one previously set for the pull-request pipeline.

For example, if using and your username is my-user and you created a repository called my-konflux-component under your own organization, then the configs should look like this:

  - name: output-image

Note: this is the same as for the pull request pipeline, but the tag portion now only includes the revision.

Namespace and User Management

Creating a new Namespace

# Replace $NS with the name of the new namespace

kubectl create namespace $NS
kubectl label namespace "$NS
kubectl create serviceaccount appstudio-pipeline -n $NS


kubectl create namespace user-ns3
kubectl label namespace user-ns3
kubectl create serviceaccount appstudio-pipeline -n user-ns3

Granting a User Access to a Namespace

# Replace $RB with the name of the role binding (you can choose the name)
# Replace $USER with the email address of the user
# Replace $NS with the name of the namespace the user should access

kubectl create rolebinding $RB --clusterrole konflux-admin-user-actions --user $USER -n $NS


kubectl create rolebinding user1-konflux --clusterrole konflux-admin-user-actions --user [email protected] -n user-ns3

Add a new User

Konflux is using Keycloak for managing users and authentication. The administration console for Keycloak is exposed at https://localhost:9443/idp/admin/master/console/#/redhat-external

For getting the username and password for the console run:


kubectl get -n keycloak secrets/keycloak-initial-admin --template={{.data.username}} | base64 -d


kubectl get -n keycloak secrets/keycloak-initial-admin --template={{.data.password}} | base64 -d

After login into the console, click on the Users tab on the left for adding a user.

In addition, you can configure additional Identity providers such as Github, Google, etc.. by clicking on the Identity providers tab on the left.

Repository Links