스터디 내용 : CS224N winter 2021 ver 강의 정리 및 발표 진행
Date | Week | Class |
10.16 | 1주차 | Standford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning - Lecture 6 - Simple and LSTM RNNs |
11.6 | 2주차 | Standford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning - Lecture 7 - Translation, Seq2Seq, Attention |
11.13 | 3주차 | Standford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning - Lecture 9 - Self-Attention and Transformers |
11.20 | 4주차 | Standford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning - Lecture 11 - Question Answering |
11.27 | 5주차 | Standford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning - Lecture 12 - Natural Language Generation |
12.04 | 6주차 | Standford CS224N NLP with Deep Learning - Lecture 14 - T5 and Large Language Models |