NotForgot - is note taking application. NotForgot saves your notest locally and it can update your notes to cloud.
PS: This application written purely for fun project purposes please do NOT use it to save your notes which contains valuable information.
Clone the repo, open the project in Android Studio, hit "Run". Done!
Based on mvvm architecture and repository pattern.
- Minimum SDK 23
- MVVM Architecture
- DataBinding
- Written 100% on kotlin language
- Architecture Components (Lifecycle, LiveData, ViewModel, Room Persistence, Navigation)
- API for synchronization of task(note)
- Material Design for implementing material design
- Kotlin Coroutines for threading operations
- Jetpack Security for token encryption
- Swipe Refresh Layout for swipe to sync funtion
- Retrofit 2 for constructing the REST API
- Moshi for parsing JSON
- OkHttp3 for implementing interceptor, logging
- Lottie for showing animations
- Timber for logging