WhatAmIEating is a food recipe application. You can find recipes from camera feed using TensorFlow and fetch the recipe from Spoonacular API.
Clone the repo, open the project in Android Studio.
Open local.properties file and enter this line; apiKey="YOUR_SPOONACULAR_API_TOKEN"
Then hit "Run". Done!
Based on mvvm architecture and repository pattern.
- Minimum SDK 21
- MVVM Architecture
- DataBinding-ViewBinding
- Written 100% on kotlin language
- Architecture Components (Lifecycle, LiveData, ViewModel, Navigation)
- Spoonacular API for gettin detailed information about food and recipes
- Material Design for implementing material design
- Kotlin Coroutines for threading operations
- Hilt for dependency injection
- CameraX for camera app development
- TensorFlow Lite for image classification
- Retrofit 2 for constructing the REST API
- Moshi for parsing JSON
- OkHttp for implementing interceptor, logging
- Glide for loading images
- Lottie for showing animations
- Dexter for simplifying the process of requesting permissions
- AAChart for creating charts
- Timber for logging
Add search bar- Update UI