This service offers a set of endpoints to connect to the Krateo's CrateDB instance and use notebooks to compute data starting from SQL queries.
This service requires CrateDB to be installed in the Kubernetes cluster. The CrateDB Kubernetes operator is recommended.
For an in-depth look at the architecture and how to configure all the components, download the summary document here.
This webservice acts as a proxy for all requests to the database, including the possibility of performing computations on the stored data. The structure is: the database requires username/password authentication for the HTTP endpoint. The password is stored in a Kubernetes secret. The RBAC to the secret should allow to filter who can access the webservice-database functionality. The handler calls the database HTTP endpoint to perform queries (both input and output). The result is returned by the endpoint.
All endpoints must have the basic auth header field compiled with the username and password of the database.
: the webservice receives the data (divided into chunks) and directly uploads it into the specified table in the database - POST
: calls the specified compute notebook with the POST body data being the parameters required by the given algorithm, encoded in JSON as parameter_name=parameter_value - POST
: uploads the specified notebook into the database with the name <compute_name> - GET
: lists all available compute notebooks
Upload endpoint:
curl -X POST -u <db-user>:<db-password> http://finops-database-handler.finops:8088/upload?table=<table_name>&type=<cost|resource> -d "<metrics>"
Compute endpoint:
curl -X POST -u <db-user>:<db-password> http://finops-database-handler.finops:8088/compute/cyclic \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"table_name":"testfocus_res"}'
Compute endpoint upload:
curl -X POST -u <db-user>:<db-password> http://finops-database-handler.finops:8088/compute/cyclic/upload --data-binary ""
For a notebook example, see ./notebook_samples/
Compute endpoint list:
curl -u <db-user>:<db-password> http://finops-database-handler.finops:8088/compute/list
The notebooks are an agnostic and standalone component. They can be used to integrate additional action on the database, including API endpoint for data outout. See the folder notebook_sample
for examples.
The code of each notebook is injected with the authentication information to CrateDB:
import sys
from crate import client
def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
host = sys.argv[1]
port = sys.argv[2]
username = sys.argv[3]
password = sys.argv[4]
connection = client.connect(f"http://{host}:{port}", username=username, password=password)
cursor = connection.cursor()
except Exception as e:
eprint('error while connecting to database' + str(e))
Additionally, you have to conclude the execution of your code by closing the connection and cursor:
To install additional dependencies inside your notebooks, you need to launch pip at runtime. For example:
import pip._internal as pip
def install(package):
pip.main(['install', package])
if __name__ == "__main__":
import requests
except ImportError:
import requests
The Tags in the CSV data read by the exporters need to be in the following format::
{"CostCenter": "1234","Cost department": "Marketing","env": "prod","org": "trey","Project": "Foo"}
If this formatting is not used, the finops-database-handler will not insert the data into the database. To query the data using the information present inside the tags, you can use a query like this:
SELECT resourceid
FROM "doc"."focus_table"
WHERE tags['org'] = 'test'
The webservice can be installed through the HELM chart:
helm repo add krateo
helm repo update krateo
helm install finops-database-handler krateo/finops-database-handler
You need to configure the environment variables CRATE_HOST
in the HELM chart of the webservice to connect to the database on the HTTP endpoint of CrateDB.