This service is used to manage templates.
Returns a list of all templates.
"description":"Fireworks App Deployment",
"icon":"fa-solid fa-fire",
"katy perry"
"values": {...}
Get a template by name.
Get a template by uid.
This route is used to create a new template or refresh an existing template.
"url": "",
"endpointName": "github"
"description":"Krateo Fireworks Template",
"icon":"fa-solid fa-fire",
"katy perry"
"title":"Krateo Fireworks",
"widgets":[ {...} ]
Delete a template by name.
{ "message": "Template with name my-awesome-template deleted" }
!!! Note
Services respond with valid JSON, so, if the response is an array, it will be wrapped in the `list` property.
If the response contains the `list` proerty it will add the property `count` with the number of items in the list.