This project is a web application that displays transaction data, statistics, and visualizations for a mock e-commerce platform. It consists of a backend server built with Node.js and Express, and a frontend built with React.
Transaction Table: Displays a list of transactions with pagination, search functionality, and month filter. Statistics: Shows total sales, total sold items, and total unsold items for a selected month. Bar Chart: Visualizes the number of items in different price ranges for a selected month. Statistics Bar Chart: A simple bar chart displaying total sales, total sold items, and total unsold items.
Node.js: JavaScript runtime for building server-side applications. Express: Web framework for Node.js. SQLite: Lightweight database used for storing transaction data. Axios: Promise-based HTTP client for making API requests. node-fetch: A light-weight module that brings window.fetch to Node.js.
React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React Router: Library for routing in React applications. Recharts: Library for creating charts in React. Axios: Promise-based HTTP client for making API requests
GET http://localhost:3000/transactions?page=1&perPage=10&search=text
GET http://localhost:3000/statistics?month=01
GET http://localhost:3000/bar-chart?month=01
GET http://localhost:3000/pie-chart?month=01
GET http://localhost:3000/combined?month=01