Covid-Data-Exploration: Analyzing and Visualizing Global Covid Data
This project focuses on exploring and visualizing Covid-19 data using SQL and Tableau. The aim is to uncover meaningful insights from the data, such as trends in Covid cases, deaths, and vaccination rates across different countries and regions. By performing SQL queries and creating interactive dashboards in Tableau, this project provides an efficient way to understand the impact of Covid-19 and make data-driven decisions.
The dataset used for this project is sourced from Our World in Data, which provides up-to-date information on Covid-19 statistics globally.
- Postgre SQL Server (for SQL database software)
- Tableau Desktop (for data visualization)
- Download the dataset from the following link: Our World in Data Covid Deaths Dataset.
- Import the dataset into your PostgreSQL server after creating tables with appropriate datatype for each column and using the import tools provided by your database software.
- Open Tableau Desktop and connect it to your SQL database.
- Follow the instructions in the
section to execute SQL queries and visualize data.
- Import the dataset into your SQL database.
- Run the following SQL queries to explore the data:
- Find the top 10 countries with the highest Covid-19 death rates:
SELECT location, MAX(total_deaths) AS max_deaths FROM covid_data GROUP BY location ORDER BY max_deaths DESC LIMIT 10;
- Analyze daily new cases trend:
SELECT date, SUM(new_cases) AS daily_cases FROM covid_data GROUP BY date ORDER BY date;
- Calculate vaccination rate by country:
SELECT location, MAX(people_vaccinated) / population AS vaccination_rate FROM covid_data WHERE population IS NOT NULL GROUP BY location, population ORDER BY vaccination_rate DESC;
- Find the top 10 countries with the highest Covid-19 death rates:
- Creating Tables: CREATE TABLE CovidDeaths, CREATE TABLE CovidVaccinations.
- Dropping Tables: DROP TABLE CovidDeaths, DROP TABLE CovidVaccinations.
- Altering Tables: ALTER TABLE CovidDeaths ALTER COLUMN date TYPE DATE.
- Selecting Data: SELECT queries to retrieve data from tables.
- Filtering Data: Using WHERE clauses (e.g., WHERE continent IS NOT NULL).
- Sorting Data: Using ORDER BY (e.g., ORDER BY 1, 2).
- Inserting Data: INSERT INTO PercentPopulationVaccinated.
- Updating Data: Implicit through ALTER TABLE or calculated fields.
- Aggregating Data: SUM, MAX, AVG, etc., (e.g., SUM(new_cases), MAX(total_deaths)).
- Grouping Data: Using GROUP BY (e.g., GROUP BY Location).
- Calculations Over Partitions: SUM(...) OVER (PARTITION BY ...).
- Inner Join: Joining CovidDeaths and CovidVaccinations tables (e.g., ON dea.location = vac.location).
- Using WITH clause for intermediate calculations (e.g., WITH PopvsVac).
- Creating Views: CREATE VIEW PercentPopulationVaccinated2.
- Creating Temporary Tables: CREATE TABLE PercentPopulationVaccinated.
- Dropping Temporary Tables: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS PercentPopulationVaccinated.
- Creating calculated fields in SELECT queries (e.g., (total_deaths/total_cases)*100 as DeathPercentage).
- Explicit Casting: Using CAST(... AS type) (e.g., CAST(Total_deaths AS int)).
- Using LIMIT to restrict the number of rows returned (e.g., LIMIT 10).
- Using conditional logic within queries (e.g., WHERE location LIKE '%India%').
- Changing data type to DATE and formatting using TO_DATE.
- Aggregating data at a global or continental level (e.g., GROUP BY continent).
- Calculating ratios and percentages (e.g., (total_deaths/total_cases)*100, (RollingPeopleVaccinated/Population)*100).
- Use Tableau to connect to your SQL database.
- Create visualizations such as:
- Line charts to show trends in daily cases and deaths.
- Bar charts to compare vaccination rates across countries.
- Geo maps to visualize the spread of Covid-19 globally.
- Save your Tableau workbook and share it as a packaged workbook (.twbx) or publish it to Tableau Public.
We welcome contributions to this project! To contribute:
- Fork the repository and clone it to your local machine.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix:
git checkout -b feature-name
- Make your changes and commit them with descriptive messages.
- Push your branch to your forked repository:
git push origin feature-name
- Open a pull request and describe the changes you made.
If you encounter bugs or have feature requests, please open an issue in the repository with detailed information and steps to reproduce.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions about this project!