Need a list to store savings and checking transactions
Account Types:
- Checking
- Savings
Transaction types:
- Deposit
- Withdrawal
Need to add amount if deposit
Need to subtract subtract amount if withdrawal
Need to check balance to avoid negative
- If withdrawal request is over balance stop withdrawal and give message
User input needed:
- Which account?
- If deposit or withdrawal
- $ amount
User selects Savings, Deposit, and $25 User selects Checking, Deposit, and $10 User selects Savings, Withdrawal and $5 User selects Checking, Withdrawal and $6 Balance of Savings = $20 Balance of Checking = $4 User selects Checking, Withdrawal and $6 User gets message thy don't have enough $ to withdraw
User selects Savings, Deposit, and $25 User selects Savings, Deposit, and $10 User selects Savings, Withdrawal and $5 Balance of Savings = $40 Balance of Checking = $4
User selects Checking, Deposit, and $10 User selects Checking, Deposit, and $70 User selects Checking, Withdrawal and $30 Balance of Savings = $40 Balance of Checking = $54