Katib v0.16.0
This is the Katib v0.16.0 release.
Breaking Changes
- Implement KatibConfig API (#2176 by @tenzen-y)
- Drop Kubernetes v1.24 and support Kubernetes v1.27 (#2182 by @tenzen-y)
- Drop Kubernetes v1.23 and support Kubernetes v1.26 (#2177 by @tenzen-y)
- Change failurePolicy to Fail for Katib Webhooks (#2018 by @andreyvelich)
New Features
Core Features
- Consolidate the Katib Cert Generator to the Katib Controller (#2185 by @tenzen-y)
- Containerize tests for Katib Conformance (#2146 by @nagar-ajay)
UI Improvements
- [UI] Default Resume Policy to never from UI (#2195 by @mChowdhury-91)
- [UI] Remove Deprecated Katib UI (#2179 by @andreyvelich)
- [UI] Fix Trial Logs when Kubernetes Job Fails (#2164 by @andreyvelich)
- kwa(front): Support all namespaces (#2119 by @elenzio9)
- kwa(front): Update the use of SnackBarService (#2113 by @orfeas-k)
- UI: Remove an unsed import, EventV1beta1Api (#2116 by @tenzen-y)
SDK Improvements
- [SDK] Enable resource specification for trial containers (#2192 by @droctothorpe)
- [SDK] Add namespace parameter to KatibClient (#2183 by @droctothorpe)
- [SDK] Import all Kubernetes Models (#2148 by @andreyvelich)
Bug fixes
- Bug: Wait for the certs to be mounted inside the container (#2213 by @tenzen-y)
- Start waiting for certs to be ready before sending data to the channel (#2215 by @tenzen-y)
- E2E: Add additional checks to verify if the components are ready (#2212 by @tenzen-y)
- Remove a katib-webhook-cert Secret from components (#2214 by @tenzen-y)
- Skip to inject the metrics-collector pods to the Katib controller (#2211 by @tenzen-y)
- Sending an empty data to the certsReady channel (#2196 by @tenzen-y)
- Fix conformance docker image (#2147 by @nagar-ajay)
- Add PITS Global Data Recovery Services to the adopters list (#2160 by @ghost)
- Add SDK Breaking Change to Changelog (#2133 by @andreyvelich)
- Add Changelog for Katib v0.15.0 (#2129 by @andreyvelich)
- Add Changelog for Katib v0.15.0-rc.1 (#2123 by @andreyvelich)
- Add Changelog for Katib v0.15.0-rc.0 (#2106 by @andreyvelich)
- Upgrade Tensorflow version to v2.13.0 (#2216 by @tenzen-y)
- Upgrade Go version to v1.20 (#2190 by @tenzen-y)
- Replace grpc_health_probe with the built-in gRPC container probe feature (#2189 by @tenzen-y)
- Allow install binaries for the arm64 in the envtest (#2188 by @tenzen-y)
- Replace action to setup minikube with medyagh/setup-minikube (#2178 by @tenzen-y)
- Remove Charmed Operators for Katib (#2161 by @ca-scribner)
- Namespace and trial pod annotations as CLI argument (#2138 by @nagar-ajay)
- Relax dependencies restriction for the gRPC libraries (#2140 by @tenzen-y)
- Add SDK Breaking Change to Changelog (#2133 by @andreyvelich)
- Increase the free spaces in CI (#2131 by @tenzen-y)
- Reformat katib-operators (#2114 by @tenzen-y)