Releases: kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api-provider-ibmcloud
What's Changed
- Update version references to 0.10.0 by @Amulyam24 in #2063
- Update golang version to 1.22.9 by @Amulyam24 in #2068
- Update release branch versions for weekly security scan by @Amulyam24 in #2064
- Refactor ReconcileNetwork by @dharaneeshvrd in #2040
- Use multiple zones in case of multiple subnets by @Shilpa-Gokul in #1793
- Set toolchain in go.mod by @anshuman-agarwala in #2079
- Update release support data by @Prajyot-Parab in #2083
- Update docs with references to release-0.9 by @Prajyot-Parab in #2082
- Update cluster-api to v1.9.x by @Amulyam24 in #2069
- Update cluster-api to v1.9.0-rc.1 by @Prajyot-Parab in #2094
- Bumped go.mod version in tools by @anshuman-agarwala in #2095
- bump to v20241111-71c32dbdcc by @Prajyot-Parab in #2099
- Modify the expect check for aggregate errors by @Shilpa-Gokul in #2100
- Pin to working golang and gcb-docker-gcloud version by @mkumatag in #2105
- Update cluster-api to v1.9.3 by @Prajyot-Parab in #2112
- bump to v20241229-5dc092c636 by @Prajyot-Parab in #2118
- pin go version to 1.22.9 in tools by @Prajyot-Parab in #2120
- Bump golang version to 1.22.10 by @Amulyam24 in #2125
- Pin workflow to run on ubuntu-24.04 by @Prajyot-Parab in #2126
- Add templates for cluster-api version update and release tracker by @Amulyam24 in #2124
- Fix warnings in kustomization file by @priyanshikhetwani in #2073
- Yamllint enhancement by @priyanshikhetwani in #2072
- Enhanced updateCondition function by @pjsharath28 in #2135
- BUG: IBM Cloud Infra: Return existing VPC ID by @cjschaef in #2141
- Bump cluster-api to v1.9.4 by @Amulyam24 in #2146
- remove deprecated v1 provider id format by @Prajyot-Parab in #2122
- Infrastructure: Fix machine placement target defaults by @cjschaef in #2151
- Bump PowerVS CI to k8s v1.31 by @priyanshikhetwani in #2158
- bump golang to v1.22.11 by @Prajyot-Parab in #2160
- Proposal for adding Additional Disks to node by @anshuman-agarwala in #2139
- Fix powervs machine image links by @Prajyot-Parab in #2164
- fix linters related warnings by @Prajyot-Parab in #2169
- make powervs cluster setup with external cloud provider as default by @Prajyot-Parab in #2168
- Update the commit-hash for PowerVS Cloud Controller by @kishen-v in #2174
- Add uts for setProviderID by @arshadd-b in #2144
- Bump golang to v1.22.12 by @Prajyot-Parab in #2181
- Enhance local development documentation by @pjsharath28 in #2162
- Enhance Feature Request Template to Improve Clarity and Context by @aman4433 in #2184
- fix powervs_cloud_controller image build by @Prajyot-Parab in #2188
- update powervs-cloud-controller image tag by @Prajyot-Parab in #2191
New Contributors
- @anshuman-agarwala made their first contribution in #2079
- @pjsharath28 made their first contribution in #2135
The image for this release is:
Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.10.0
VPC infra creation
- VPC: Extend VPC API's to support v2 Infra by @cjschaef in #1875
- VPC: Create v2 path for new Infrastructure implementation by @cjschaef in #1858
- VPC: Extend VPC related API's for v2 VPC reconcile by @cjschaef in #1883
- VPC: Add v2 support for VPC reconcile by @cjschaef in #1886
- Vpc extended apis by @cjschaef in #1895
- Fix cluster name references by @cjschaef in #1949
- VPC: Add Custom Image reconciliation by @cjschaef in #1942
- VPC: Move vpc status update before tagging by @cjschaef in #1984
- VPC: Add subnet reconciliation by @cjschaef in #1970
- VPC: Extend VPC Machine API's by @cjschaef in #1978
- VPC: Extend support for SG's by @cjschaef in #1989
- Vpc reconcile lbs by @cjschaef in #2023
- Vpc machine reconciliation by @cjschaef in #2042
- VPC: Enhance the Machine LB Pool Member delete logic by @cjschaef in #2051
What's Changed
- fix: remove whitespaces from metadata.yaml by @damdo in #1794
- Update cluster-api to v1.7.2 by @Amulyam24 in #1790
- Update version references to 0.9.0 by @Amulyam24 in #1800
- Update release versions for weekly security scan by @Amulyam24 in #1803
- Ignore updating until we move to go 1.22 by @Amulyam24 in #1810
- Update kube-vip spec in cluster templates to adopt k8s 1.29 by @Amulyam24 in #1798
- Fetch service instance id from spec of IBMPowerVSCluster object while setting provider id by @Karthik-K-N in #1816
- Derive VPC zones from VPC region instead of PowerVS region. by @kishen-v in #1819
- Update log format while checking the state of a resource by @Amulyam24 in #1812
- Add validation for loadbalancer port against 6443 and to avoid duplicate names by @KeerthanaAP in #1746
- Set TerminationMessagePolicy to FallbackToLogsOnError by @kishen-v in #1820
- Add webhook validation for transit gateway's global routing field by @dharaneeshvrd in #1834
- Fix trivy analysis reported issues by @Prajyot-Parab in #1842
- update kubebuilder tools to 1.29.3 by @Prajyot-Parab in #1843
- Update cluster-api to v1.7.3 by @Amulyam24 in #1840
- Improve IBMPowerVSCluster deletion by @dharaneeshvrd in #1825
- Use zone to filter PowerVS service instance by @dharaneeshvrd in #1853
- Use cloud-provider template for PowerVS e2e by default by @Amulyam24 in #1861
- PowerVS CI: configure public network creation with specific DNS servers by @Amulyam24 in #1863
- Enhance the instructions for PowerVS image build with DHCP support by @Amulyam24 in #1865
- Refactor PowerVSClusterscope function to faciliate UT integration by @Karthik-K-N in #1827
- Update troubleshooting guide by @Karthik-K-N in #1870
- Update cluster-api to v1.7.4 by @Amulyam24 in #1878
- Update golang version to 1.21.12 by @Amulyam24 in #1880
- Use the COS endpoint override when generating bootstrap ignition by @mjturek in #1860
- Deprecate provider-id format v1 by @KeerthanaAP in #1897
- Print kubebuilder assets downloaded location by @Karthik-K-N in #1899
- Minor changes to e2e flow by @Amulyam24 in #1900
- Generate mocks for all the IBM Cloud services by @Karthik-K-N in #1913
- Remove kube-rbac-proxy by @Amulyam24 in #1918
- Update docs with references to release-0.8 by @Amulyam24 in #1802
- Refactor infra creation to improve the overall infra setup time by @dharaneeshvrd in #1869
- Update cluster-api to v1.8.1 by @Amulyam24 in #1894
- Return true when PowerVS network is already created during ReconcileNetwork by @Amulyam24 in #1931
- Track and update networking-go-sdk and trivy packages via dependabot by @Amulyam24 in #1941
- Update cluster-api to v1.8.2 by @Amulyam24 in #1955
- Attach connections to existing transit gateway when its not there by @dharaneeshvrd in #1901
- Refactor transit gateway status by @dharaneeshvrd in #1961
- Add UT for powervs_cluster file by @Karthik-K-N in #1912
- Update cluster-api to v1.8.3 by @Prajyot-Parab in #1967
- Redirect stderr to /dev/null to suppress make command warnings. by @kishen-v in #1964
- Add support for JSON output format for logs by @Karthik-K-N in #1974
- Ignore unit test coverage files by @Amulyam24 in #1976
- Update IBM Cloud CLI and PowerVS plugin versions by @Amulyam24 in #1980
- Add redirect url for meeting document by @Karthik-K-N in #1986
- Update cluster-api to v1.8.4 by @Amulyam24 in #1998
- Update golang version to 1.22.8 by @Amulyam24 in #2000
- ServiceEndpoint overrides saved and used correctly for ignition URL by @miyamotoh in #1972
- Refactor reconcilation of resources by @Amulyam24 in #1937
- The typo of Tokyo TG location in region mapping list by @aman4433 in #2006
- Update zoom meeting link, Mailing list link by @Karthik-K-N in #2022
- Configure Loadbalancer back-end pool only for controlplane machines by @carmal891 in #2004
- Add UT for ReconcileVPC and its subfunctions by @Shilpa-Gokul in #2003
- Add UT for ReconcileNetwork and its subfunctions by @Shilpa-Gokul in #1928
- Add UT for ReconcileVPCSubnet and its subfunctions by @Shilpa-Gokul in #2017
- Fix PowerVS cluster's load balancer status check by @dharaneeshvrd in #2029
- Add support for pausing cluster reconcilation by @Karth...
What's Changed
- Bump from 1.8.1 to 1.8.3 by @dependabot in #2007
- Refactor reconcilation of resources by @Amulyam24 in #1937
- The typo of Tokyo TG location in region mapping list by @aman4433 in #2006
- Bump from 5.17.5 to 5.18.0 by @dependabot in #2010
- Bump from 0.60.0 to 0.60.1 by @dependabot in #2012
- VPC: Extend support for SG's by @cjschaef in #1989
- Bump from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0 by @dependabot in #2014
- Bump from 0.60.1 to 0.61.0 by @dependabot in #2016
- Bump from 0.69.2 to 0.69.3 by @dependabot in #2015
- Bump from 5.18.0 to 5.18.1 by @dependabot in #2019
- Update zoom meeting link, Mailing list link by @Karthik-K-N in #2022
- Bump from 0.69.3 to 0.69.4 by @dependabot in #2024
- Bump from 0.69.4 to 0.70.0 by @dependabot in #2027
- Bump from 2.19.0 to 2.20.0 by @dependabot in #2025
- Configure Loadbalancer back-end pool only for controlplane machines by @carmal891 in #2004
- Add UT for ReconcileVPC and its subfunctions by @Shilpa-Gokul in #2003
- Add UT for ReconcileNetwork and its subfunctions by @Shilpa-Gokul in #1928
- Add UT for ReconcileVPCSubnet and its subfunctions by @Shilpa-Gokul in #2017
- Bump from 0.70.0 to 0.71.0 by @dependabot in #2030
- Fix PowerVS cluster's load balancer status check by @dharaneeshvrd in #2029
New Contributors
- @aman4433 made their first contribution in #2006
- @carmal891 made their first contribution in #2004
Full Changelog: v0.9.0-beta.0...v0.9.0-beta.1
New Contributors
- @mjturek made their first contribution in #1860
- @miyamotoh made their first contribution in #1972
Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.9.0-beta.0
- PowerVS infra creation via #1485 #1592 #1488 #1627 #1608
- Add support to override service endpoints by @Karthik-K-N in #1648
- VPC security group support via #1669 #1710 #1738
What's Changed
- Update version references to 0.7.0 by @Amulyam24 in #1546
- Update release versions in security scan workflow by @Prajyot-Parab in #1549
- Remove deprecated --short flag by @mkumatag in #1553
- book: update refs to release-0-7 specific book by @Prajyot-Parab in #1572
- Update release support data by @Prajyot-Parab in #1575
- Update cluster-api to v1.6.1 by @Prajyot-Parab in #1585
- Replace service with worskpace after power-iaas plugin update by @Amulyam24 in #1596
- Replaced pvsadm image import reference with capibmadm powervs image import by @irapandey in #1584
- Update cloud-provider-powervs commit to create latest ccm image by @Karthik-K-N in #1605
- Update tempaltes to use latest ccm image by @Karthik-K-N in #1606
- Makefile and other visual changes. by @kishen-v in #1522
- Scale from and to 0 support for autoscaler for VPC cluster by @KeerthanaAP in #1523
- Tag power-iaas plugin to a specific version by @Amulyam24 in #1612
- Update go version to 1.21 by @Amulyam24 in #1621
- Update golangci-lint to v1.56.2 by @Amulyam24 in #1626
- Update cluster-api to v1.6.2 by @Prajyot-Parab in #1632
- Update api specs and comments. by @Karthik-K-N in #1649
- Support service instance id in ibmpowervsmachine reconcilation by @Karthik-K-N in #1652
- Configure private or public loadbalancer by @Karthik-K-N in #1656
- Update loadbalancer spec to configure private loadbalncer by @Karthik-K-N in #1658
- Update OWNERS by @mkumatag in #1677
- Update cluster-api to v1.7.0-beta.0 by @Amulyam24 in #1671
- Use uncached client by @Karthik-K-N in #1682
- Fix cos flow by @Prajyot-Parab in #1664
- Remove COS instance spec check in webhook by @Amulyam24 in #1688
- Support service instance id for IBMPowerVSImage by @Karthik-K-N in #1691
- Explicitly set GVK for IBMPoweVSCluster resource by @Karthik-K-N in #1692
- Update cluster-api to v1.7.0-beta.1 by @Amulyam24 in #1694
- Avoid returning error when resource creation and deletion is in progress by @Amulyam24 in #1693
- Fix security exposure by @Prajyot-Parab in #1698
- Update cluster-api to v1.7.0-rc.0 by @Prajyot-Parab in #1701
- Fix trivy analysis reported issues by @Prajyot-Parab in #1702
- Enhance security exposure patch by @Prajyot-Parab in #1707
- Validate DHCP network id by @Karthik-K-N in #1714
- bump to v20240210-bcb4e42f96 by @Prajyot-Parab in #1721
- Update cluster-api to v1.7.0-rc.1 by @Prajyot-Parab in #1722
- Add lowercase regex validation for vpc, vpcsubnet and loadbalancer names by @Shilpa-Gokul in #1715
- bump golang to v1.21.9 by @Prajyot-Parab in #1723
- Use user provided vpc subnetid by @Karthik-K-N in #1728
- Refactor resource manager to use interface and override resource manager endpoint URL by @Karthik-K-N in #1740
- Update cluster-api to v1.7.0 by @Amulyam24 in #1734
- Add custom type for resource not found error by @Amulyam24 in #1739
- Ignore updating until we move to go 1.22 by @Amulyam24 in #1750
- Update cluster-api to v1.7.1 by @Amulyam24 in #1753
- Verify if ID is present before using it by @Amulyam24 in #1733
- Update PowerVS image builder document by @Karthik-K-N in #1756
- Rearrange main.go and use same context for manager and controller by @Karthik-K-N in #1768
- Update PortRange and ICMP types for Security Groups by @cjschaef in #1752
- User klog.Background() instead of textlogger by @Karthik-K-N in #1778
- Refactor IsPowerVSZoneSupportsPER() code to use interface by @Shilpa-Gokul in #1775
- skip load balancer pool member deletion if instance creation fails by @Amulyam24 in #1785
- Update deletion logic for VPC subnet, load balancer and PowerVS service instance by @Amulyam24 in #1776
- Rename VPC security group types by @dharaneeshvrd in #1783
- Use local routing in transit gateway when PowerVS and VPC are from same region by @dharaneeshvrd in #1777
- Refactor logging by @Amulyam24 in #1755
New Contributors
- @irapandey made their first contribution in #1584
- @cjschaef made their first contribution in #1669
The image for this release is:
Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.8.0
- Add support for VPC clusterclass by @kishen-v in #1500
- Update cluster-api to v1.6.0 by @Prajyot-Parab in #1528
Other Changes
- Add waiter functions for control-plane by @Prajyot-Parab in #1387
- Streamline the vpc cluster deletion process by @Prajyot-Parab in #1388
- update docs with v0.6 references by @Prajyot-Parab in #1399
- Remove deprecated powervs-provider-id-fmt code by @Prajyot-Parab in #1404
- fix panic error when scope obj is not yet initialized by @Prajyot-Parab in #1397
- Remove deprecated flag powervs-provider-id-fmt by @Amulyam24 in #1409
- Revert commit: Add waiter functions for control-plane by @Prajyot-Parab in #1410
- Minor nit: fix template names by @Prajyot-Parab in #1411
- Update doc for release and support information by @Prajyot-Parab in #1419
- Added instructions needed to be run on macOS for migrating to Podman. by @KeerthanaAP in #1421
- Update cluster-api to v1.5.2 by @Amulyam24 in #1434
- Remove capibm binary file by @Karthik-K-N in #1435
- Update golang to 1.20.9 by @Amulyam24 in #1440
- fix: remove trailing whitespace from metadata.yaml by @damdo in #1441
- Replace with by @prashantrewar in #1458
- Remove code for VPC FIP by @Prajyot-Parab in #1395
- Add targets for verifying code and images for vulnerabilities by @Prajyot-Parab in #1422
- Update cluster-api to v1.6.0-beta.1 by @Amulyam24 in #1470
- Move away from unmaintained packages and repositories. by @kishen-v in #1472
- Update test metadata.yaml with cluster-api v1.6 by @Amulyam24 in #1476
- PROVIDER_ID_FORMAT references replacement. by @kishen-v in #1473
- Fix CVE-2023-47108 Vulnerability by @Prajyot-Parab in #1489
- Update doc commands with correct template references by @Prajyot-Parab in #1501
- Add documentation for E2E testing by @Amulyam24 in #1504
- Bump golang from 1.20.10 to 1.20.11 by @Amulyam24 in #1503
- Update cluster-api to v1.6.0-rc.0 by @Prajyot-Parab in #1509
- Check if controllers are deployed successfully in smoke-test by @Amulyam24 in #1512
- Fix the finalizer code by @mkumatag in #1513
- Streamline documentation for CAPIBM by @kishen-v in #1508
- Publish PVS and VPC image for k8s 1.28.4 version by @Prajyot-Parab in #1519
- Update cluster-api to v1.6.0-rc.1 by @Prajyot-Parab in #1518
- Update transit gateway location for all geographies by @dharaneeshvrd in #1524
- Add support and release content to CAPIBM book doc by @Niharika0306 in #1520
New Contributors
- @damdo made their first contribution in #1441
- @prashantrewar made their first contribution in #1458
The image for this release is:
Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.7.0
What's Changed
- [release-0.6] Streamline the vpc cluster deletion process by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #1391
- [release-0.6] update docs with v0.6 references by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #1400
- [release-0.6] fix panic error when scope obj is not yet initialized by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #1406
- [release-0.6] Minor nit: fix template names by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #1417
- [release-0.6] fix: remove trailing whitespace from metadata.yaml by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #1442
- [release-0.6] Remove capibm binary file by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #1444
- Update the go deps by @mkumatag in #1454
- [release-0.6] Update cluster-api to v1.5.3 and bump related deps by @Prajyot-Parab in #1468
- [release-0.6] add targets for verifying code and images for vulnerabilities by @Prajyot-Parab in #1486
- [release-0.6] Update cluster-api to v1.5.4 by @Prajyot-Parab in #1529
- [release-0.6] Bump golang to v1.20.12 by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #1543
The image for this release is:
Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.6.1
What's Changed
- [release-0.5] add v0.5.x to compatibility matrix by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #1350
- [release-0.5] update list of dependency packages by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #1354
- [release-0.5] Restructure dependency page for better readability by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #1360
- [release-0.5] Fix netlify redirects by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #1368
- [release-0.5] Drop release-0.3 from book docs by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #1373
- [Release-0.5] Update cluster-api to v1.4.6 by @Prajyot-Parab in #1378
- [release-0.5] Streamline the vpc cluster deletion process by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #1390
- [release-0.5] Add document to configure podman to use tilt by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #1398
- [release-0.5] fix panic error when scope obj is not yet initialized by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #1407
- [release-0.5] Minor nit: fix template names by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #1418
- [release-0.5] Update cluster-api to v1.4.7 by @Amulyam24 in #1437
- [release-0.5] fix: remove trailing whitespace from metadata.yaml by @mkumatag in #1443
- [release-0.5] Update cluster-api to v1.4.8 and bump related deps by @Prajyot-Parab in #1467
- [release-0.5] add targets for verifying code and images for vulnerabilities by @Prajyot-Parab in #1487
- [release-0.5] Update cluster-api to v1.4.9 by @Prajyot-Parab in #1530
- [release-0.5] Update e2e tooling/image bits by @Prajyot-Parab in #1531
- [release-0.5] Bump golang to v1.20.12 by @Prajyot-Parab in #1544
The image for this release is:
Full Changelog: v0.5.2...v0.5.3
- Added image import cmd by @KeerthanaAP in #1216
- Support custom port for powervs cluster apiserver by @Prajyot-Parab in #1251
- Update cluster-api to v1.5.1 by @Prajyot-Parab in #1377
New Contributors
The image for this release is:
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.6.0
What's Changed
- disable KCP remediation by @Prajyot-Parab in #1339
- add v0.5.x to compatibility matrix by @Prajyot-Parab in #1343
- Use BOSKOS_REGION for ibmcloud login in E2E tests by @Amulyam24 in #1351
- update list of dependency packages by @Prajyot-Parab in #1352
- Restructure dependency page for better readability by @Prajyot-Parab in #1356
- Enable retry of ibmcloud login command to avoid timeout failure by @Prajyot-Parab in #1357
- Refactor cluster templates by @Amulyam24 in #1341
- Set REGION var only if BOSKOS_REGION is not nil by @Amulyam24 in #1362
- E2E fixes by @Amulyam24 in #1364
- Fix netlify redirects by @Prajyot-Parab in #1367
- Drop release-0.3 from book docs by @Prajyot-Parab in #1370
- Add document to configure podman to use tilt by @Karthik-K-N in #1372
- Run generate-templates as a part of make generate by @Amulyam24 in #1379
- Update cluster-api to v1.5.1 by @Prajyot-Parab in #1377
Dependency Changes
- Bump from 0.42.0 to 0.43.0 by @dependabot in #1340
- Bump from 1.2.4 to 1.3.0 by @Prajyot-Parab in #1342
- Bump from 1.53.3 to 1.54.1 in /hack/tools by @dependabot in #1346
- Bump from 0.43.0 to 0.45.0 by @dependabot in #1348
- Bump golang from 1.20.6 to 1.20.7 by @Prajyot-Parab in #1349
- Bump from 0.45.0 to 0.46.0 by @dependabot in #1359
- Bump from 5.13.4 to 5.14.0 by @dependabot in #1358
- Bump from 1.54.1 to 1.54.2 in /hack/tools by @dependabot in #1363
- Bump from 0.40.0 to 0.41.0 by @dependabot in #1365
- Bump from 5.14.0 to 5.14.1 by @dependabot in #1366
- Bump from 0.46.0 to 0.47.0 by @dependabot in #1376
- Bump from 0.5.0 to 0.7.0 in /hack/tools by @dependabot in #1375
- Bump from 0.47.0 to 0.48.0 by @dependabot in #1381
- Bump from 0.12.0 to 0.13.0 by @dependabot in #1382
The image for this release is:
Full Changelog: v0.6.0-rc.1...v0.6.0-rc.2