This project is a Chat bot that integrates with Telegram App and is built using
Clone this project on to your local Machine
Head to this URL and follow instruction to create your bot on telegram [BotFather] (
When you are done you will be giving a key; in your laravel application '.env' file add it as the example below
We'll Use a Service Called ngrok to create secure introspectable tunnels. This will enable to connect Botman to the telegram Bot via 'https'
Download and Install ngrok By following instruction on their page
Start your local server on port 8000 by running the following command
php artisan serve
Open another Terminal and Go to your home directory and run the comand below
./ngrok http 8000
Now shoul see some ouput similar to this
Register Your Webhook To let your Telegram Bot know, how it can communicate with your BotMan bot, you have to
register the URL where BotMan is running at, with Telegram
In your terminal type
php artisan botman:telegram:register
and Follow the prompt
Use the link provided by ngrok and append ‘botman’ to it
For instance in our case
If everything was successful you should see in your console this message
“Your bot is now set up with Telegram's webhook!”
To make sure the bot is connected to our application, type Hi. In your Telegram app web interface to your bot
Below are some of the commands you can use to Interact with the bot
/start to begin conversatio with the bot
/highsccore to Display Highscore
/about to show Info About this project
/deletedata to Delete Data
BotMan is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.