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Multi-pass architecture for ReSTIR
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The goal of this approach is to aggressively re-use code, assuming that
the driver will inline everything. Therefore, the whole pipeline is shaped
as a loop over passes.
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kvark committed Sep 17, 2024
1 parent 239e9ca commit 99091be
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Showing 3 changed files with 138 additions and 136 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion blade-render/code/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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struct DebugParams {
view_mode: u32,
pass_index: u32,
draw_flags: u32,
texture_flags: u32,
pad: u32,
mouse_pos: vec2<u32>,
261 changes: 132 additions & 129 deletions blade-render/code/ray-trace.wgsl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -232,12 +232,15 @@ fn evaluate_brdf(surface: Surface, dir: vec3<f32>) -> f32 {
return lambert_brdf * max(0.0, lambert_term);

fn check_ray_occluded(acs: acceleration_structure, position: vec3<f32>, direction: vec3<f32>) -> bool {
fn check_ray_occluded(prev_frame: bool, position: vec3<f32>, direction: vec3<f32>) -> bool {
var rq: ray_query;
rayQueryInitialize(&rq, acs,
RayDesc(flags, 0xFFu, parameters.t_start, camera.depth, position, direction)
let desc = RayDesc(flags, 0xFFu, parameters.t_start, camera.depth, position, direction);
if (prev_frame) {
rayQueryInitialize(&rq, prev_acc_struct, desc);
} else {
rayQueryInitialize(&rq, acc_struct, desc);
let intersection = rayQueryGetCommittedIntersection(&rq);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,7 +276,7 @@ fn make_target_score(color: vec3<f32>) -> TargetScore {

fn estimate_target_score_with_occlusion(
surface: Surface, position: vec3<f32>, light_index: u32, light_uv: vec2<f32>, acs: acceleration_structure,
surface: Surface, position: vec3<f32>, light_index: u32, light_uv: vec2<f32>, prev_frame: bool,
) -> TargetScore {
if (light_index != 0u) {
return TargetScore();
Expand All @@ -287,7 +290,7 @@ fn estimate_target_score_with_occlusion(
return TargetScore();

if (check_ray_occluded(acs, position, direction)) {
if (check_ray_occluded(prev_frame, position, direction)) {
return TargetScore();

Expand All @@ -312,7 +315,7 @@ fn evaluate_sample(ls: LightSample, surface: Surface, start_pos: vec3<f32>) -> f
return 0.0;

if (check_ray_occluded(acc_struct, start_pos, dir)) {
if (check_ray_occluded(false, start_pos, dir)) {
return 0.0;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -402,62 +405,54 @@ struct ResampleBase {
world_pos: vec3<f32>,
accepted_count: f32,
struct ResampleResult {
selected: bool,

struct ShiftSample {
reservoir: LiveReservoir,
mis_canonical: f32,
mis_sample: f32,

// Resample following Algorithm 8 in section 9.1 of Bitterli thesis
fn resample(
dst: ptr<function, LiveReservoir>, color_and_weight: ptr<function, vec4<f32>>,
base: ResampleBase, other: PixelCache, other_acs: acceleration_structure,
fn shift_sample(
base: ResampleBase, other: PixelCache, other_prev_frame: bool,
max_confidence: f32,
) -> ResampleResult {
var src: LiveReservoir;
) -> ShiftSample {
var ss = ShiftSample();
let neighbor = other.reservoir;
var rr = ResampleResult();
if (parameters.use_pairwise_mis != 0u) {
let canonical = base.canonical;
let neighbor_history = min(neighbor.confidence, max_confidence);
{ // scoping this to hint the register allocation
let t_canonical_at_neighbor = estimate_target_score_with_occlusion(
other.surface, other.world_pos, canonical.selected_light_index, canonical.selected_uv, other_acs);
other.surface, other.world_pos, canonical.selected_light_index, canonical.selected_uv, other_prev_frame);
let nom = canonical.selected_target_score * canonical.history / base.accepted_count;
let denom = t_canonical_at_neighbor.score * neighbor_history + nom;
rr.mis_canonical = select(0.0, nom / denom, denom > 0.0);
ss.mis_canonical = select(0.0, nom / denom, denom > 0.0);

let canonical_prev_frame = false;
let t_neighbor_at_canonical = estimate_target_score_with_occlusion(
base.surface, base.world_pos, neighbor.light_index, neighbor.light_uv, acc_struct);
base.surface, base.world_pos, neighbor.light_index, neighbor.light_uv, canonical_prev_frame);
let nom = neighbor.target_score * neighbor_history;
let denom = nom + t_neighbor_at_canonical.score * canonical.history / base.accepted_count;
let mis_neighbor = select(0.0, nom / denom, denom > 0.0);
rr.mis_sample = mis_neighbor;
ss.mis_sample = mis_neighbor;

var src: LiveReservoir;
src.history = neighbor_history;
src.selected_light_index = neighbor.light_index;
src.selected_uv = neighbor.light_uv;
src.selected_target_score = t_neighbor_at_canonical.score;
src.weight_sum = t_neighbor_at_canonical.score * neighbor.contribution_weight * mis_neighbor;
src.radiance = t_neighbor_at_canonical.color;
ss.reservoir = src;
} else {
rr.mis_canonical = 0.0;
rr.mis_sample = 1.0;
ss.mis_canonical = 0.5;
ss.mis_sample = 0.5;
let radiance = evaluate_reflected_light(base.surface, neighbor.light_index, neighbor.light_uv);
src = unpack_reservoir(neighbor, max_confidence, radiance);

*color_and_weight += src.weight_sum * vec4<f32>(neighbor.contribution_weight * src.radiance, 1.0);
if (src.weight_sum <= 0.0) {
bump_reservoir(dst, src.history);
} else {
merge_reservoir(dst, src);
rr.selected = true;
ss.reservoir = unpack_reservoir(neighbor, max_confidence, radiance);
return rr;
return ss;

struct ResampleOutput {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -503,115 +498,123 @@ fn finalize_resampling(
return ro;

fn resample_temporal(
surface: Surface, cur_pixel: vec2<i32>, position: vec3<f32>,
local_index: u32, tr: TemporalReprojection,
) -> ResampleOutput {
if (surface.depth == 0.0) {
return ResampleOutput();

let canonical = produce_canonical(surface, position);
if (parameters.temporal_tap == 0u || !tr.is_valid) {
return finalize_canonical(canonical);

var reservoir = LiveReservoir();
var color_and_weight = vec4<f32>(0.0);
let base = ResampleBase(surface, canonical, position, 1.0);

let prev_dir = get_ray_direction(prev_camera, tr.pixel);
let prev_world_pos = prev_camera.position + tr.surface.depth * prev_dir;
let other = PixelCache(tr.surface, tr.reservoir, prev_world_pos);
let rr = resample(&reservoir, &color_and_weight, base, other, prev_acc_struct, parameters.temporal_tap_confidence);
let mis_canonical = 1.0 + rr.mis_canonical;

if (WRITE_DEBUG_IMAGE && debug.view_mode == DebugMode_TemporalMatch) {
textureStore(out_debug, cur_pixel, vec4<f32>(1.0));
if (WRITE_DEBUG_IMAGE && debug.view_mode == DebugMode_TemporalMisCanonical) {
let mis = mis_canonical / (1.0 + base.accepted_count);
textureStore(out_debug, cur_pixel, vec4<f32>(mis));

return finalize_resampling(&reservoir, &color_and_weight, base, mis_canonical);

fn resample_spatial(
surface: Surface, cur_pixel: vec2<i32>, position: vec3<f32>,
group_id: vec3<u32>, canonical: LiveReservoir,
) -> ResampleOutput {
if (surface.depth == 0.0) {
let dir = normalize(position - camera.position);
var ro = ResampleOutput();
ro.color = evaluate_environment(dir);
return ro;

// gather the list of neighbors (within the workgroup) to resample.
var accepted_count = 0u;
var accepted_local_indices = array<u32, MAX_RESAMPLE>();
let max_accepted = min(MAX_RESAMPLE, parameters.spatial_taps);
let num_candidates = parameters.spatial_taps * 4u;
for (var i = 0u; i < num_candidates && accepted_count < max_accepted; i += 1u) {
let other_cache_index = random_u32(&p_rng) % GROUP_SIZE_TOTAL;
let diff = thread_index_to_coord(other_cache_index, group_id) - cur_pixel;
if (dot(diff, diff) < parameters.spatial_min_distance * parameters.spatial_min_distance) {
let other = pixel_cache[other_cache_index];
// if the surfaces are too different, there is no trust in this sample
if (other.reservoir.confidence > 0.0 && compare_surfaces(surface, other.surface) > 0.1) {
accepted_local_indices[accepted_count] = other_cache_index;
accepted_count += 1u;

var reservoir = LiveReservoir();
var color_and_weight = vec4<f32>(0.0);
let base = ResampleBase(surface, canonical, position, f32(accepted_count));
var mis_canonical = 1.0;

// evaluate the MIS of each of the samples versus the canonical one.
for (var lid = 0u; lid < accepted_count; lid += 1u) {
let other = pixel_cache[accepted_local_indices[lid]];
let rr = resample(&reservoir, &color_and_weight, base, other, acc_struct, parameters.spatial_tap_confidence);
mis_canonical += rr.mis_canonical;

if (WRITE_DEBUG_IMAGE && debug.view_mode == DebugMode_SpatialMatch) {
let value = base.accepted_count / max(1.0, f32(parameters.spatial_taps));
textureStore(out_debug, cur_pixel, vec4<f32>(value));
if (WRITE_DEBUG_IMAGE && debug.view_mode == DebugMode_SpatialMisCanonical) {
let mis = mis_canonical / (1.0 + base.accepted_count);
textureStore(out_debug, cur_pixel, vec4<f32>(mis));
return finalize_resampling(&reservoir, &color_and_weight, base, mis_canonical);
struct Pass {
is_temporal: bool,
confidence: f32,
taps: u32,
candidates: u32,

fn compute_restir(
rs: RichSurface, pixel: vec2<i32>, local_index: u32, group_id: vec3<u32>,
) -> vec3<f32> {
let center_coord = vec2<f32>(pixel) + 0.5 + select(vec2<f32>(0.0), rs.motion, parameters.use_motion_vectors != 0u);
//TODO: recompute this at the end?
let tr = find_temporal(rs.inner, pixel, center_coord);
let motion_sqr = dot(rs.motion, rs.motion);

let temporal = resample_temporal(rs.inner, pixel, rs.position, local_index, tr);
pixel_cache[local_index] = PixelCache(rs.inner, temporal.reservoir, rs.position);
var prev_pixel = select(vec2<i32>(-1), tr.pixel, tr.is_valid);
let motion_sqr = dot(rs.motion, rs.motion);

// sync with the workgroup to ensure all reservoirs are available.
var result = ResampleOutput();
if (rs.inner.depth == 0.0) {
let dir = normalize(rs.position - camera.position);
result.color = evaluate_environment(dir);
} else {
let canonical = produce_canonical(rs.inner, rs.position);
result = finalize_canonical(canonical);

var num_passes = 0u;
var passes = array<Pass, 2>();
if (parameters.temporal_tap != 0u) {
passes[num_passes] = Pass(true, parameters.temporal_tap_confidence, 1, 0);
num_passes += 1u;
if (parameters.spatial_taps > 0) {
passes[num_passes] = Pass(false, parameters.spatial_tap_confidence, parameters.spatial_taps, parameters.spatial_taps * 4u);
num_passes += 1u;

let temporal_live = revive_canonical(temporal);
let spatial = resample_spatial(rs.inner, pixel, rs.position, group_id, temporal_live);
for(var pass_i = 0u; pass_i < num_passes; pass_i += 1u) {
let ps = passes[pass_i];
var reservoir = LiveReservoir();
var color_and_weight = vec4<f32>(0.0);
var mis_canonical = 0.0;
var accepted_count = 0u;
var accepted_local_indices = array<u32, MAX_RESAMPLE>();

if (ps.is_temporal) {
if (tr.is_valid) {
let prev_dir = get_ray_direction(prev_camera, tr.pixel);
let prev_world_pos = prev_camera.position + tr.surface.depth * prev_dir;
pixel_cache[local_index] = PixelCache(tr.surface, tr.reservoir, prev_world_pos);
accepted_local_indices[0] = local_index;
accepted_count += 1u;
} else {
pixel_cache[local_index] = PixelCache(rs.inner, result.reservoir, rs.position);
// sync with the workgroup to ensure all reservoirs are available.

// gather the list of neighbors (within the workgroup) to resample.
let max_accepted = min(MAX_RESAMPLE, ps.taps);
for (var i = 0u; i < ps.candidates && accepted_count < max_accepted; i += 1u) {
let other_cache_index = random_u32(&p_rng) % GROUP_SIZE_TOTAL;
let diff = thread_index_to_coord(other_cache_index, group_id) - pixel;
if (dot(diff, diff) < parameters.spatial_min_distance * parameters.spatial_min_distance) {
let other = pixel_cache[other_cache_index];
// if the surfaces are too different, there is no trust in this sample
if (other.reservoir.confidence > 0.0 && compare_surfaces(rs.inner, other.surface) > 0.1) {
accepted_local_indices[accepted_count] = other_cache_index;
accepted_count += 1u;

if (accepted_count == 0u) {

let input = revive_canonical(result);
let base = ResampleBase(rs.inner, input, rs.position, f32(accepted_count));

mis_canonical = 1.0;
// evaluate the MIS of each of the samples versus the canonical one.
for (var lid = 0u; lid < accepted_count; lid += 1u) {
let other = pixel_cache[accepted_local_indices[lid]];

let ss = shift_sample(base, other, ps.is_temporal, ps.confidence);
mis_canonical += ss.mis_canonical;

let stored = pack_reservoir(ss.reservoir);
color_and_weight += ss.reservoir.weight_sum * vec4<f32>(stored.contribution_weight * ss.reservoir.radiance, 1.0);
if (ss.reservoir.weight_sum <= 0.0) {
bump_reservoir(&reservoir, ss.reservoir.history);
} else {
merge_reservoir(&reservoir, ss.reservoir);

if (WRITE_DEBUG_IMAGE && pass_i == debug.pass_index) {
if (debug.view_mode == DebugMode_PassMatch) {
textureStore(out_debug, pixel, vec4<f32>(1.0));
if (debug.view_mode == DebugMode_PassMisCanonical) {
let mis = mis_canonical / f32(1u + accepted_count);
textureStore(out_debug, pixel, vec4<f32>(mis));
result = finalize_resampling(&reservoir, &color_and_weight, base, mis_canonical);

let pixel_index = get_reservoir_index(pixel, camera);
reservoirs[pixel_index] = spatial.reservoir;
reservoirs[pixel_index] = result.reservoir;

accumulate_temporal(pixel, spatial.color, parameters.temporal_accumulation_weight, prev_pixel, motion_sqr);
return spatial.color;
accumulate_temporal(pixel, result.color, parameters.temporal_accumulation_weight, prev_pixel, motion_sqr);
return result.color;

@compute @workgroup_size(GROUP_SIZE.x, GROUP_SIZE.y)
Expand Down

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